Blacklist Post about WaterClear

The thread has been made. Bring on the concentrates, NOT! Concentrate or Not

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Pine rosin vs bho


Post your best pin rosin slab in that thread. Just dont expose the recipe. Its not good to assist in the making of fake products.

@Theblacklistxyz is on here. I wonder if he or she cares fo comment on why they appearanrly have such a biased Instagram feed when claiming constantly to be an unaffiliated unbias news source just trying to bring news to the people when he clearly is just passing on things that people email him without fact checking or atleast lacking the knowledge to call bullshit himself?


I respect the effort and the point of the IG feed but as it’s gained traction and as you began to monetize it, it’s seemed to clearly gain bias and lose base in facts


We all know what the blacklist is really for and this song really reminds me of that

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@Kingofthekush420 is right. I’ve decarbed THCA diamonds under vacuum and the oil turns a little yellow. Same thing when melting most cannabinoid isolates I’ve found. CBD, CBG doesn’t matter. It all turns a little yellow when decarbed and/or melted under vacuum from my experiences.

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This looks pretty clear.


Might still be yellow in volume. You can never tell from that small of a sample.

Edit. That might be a big beaker so nevermind. Looks good.


@TwistedStill what would you say?

I’ve seen that account post a clear slab that contained fats and lipids in it (we all know that those things stand out more in a clear slab than in a darker one) and start blasting the pic calling it silica and let’s the mass hysteria and misconception continue.

That stuff reminds me of karo syrup I wouldnt put it past people to fill jars and lie about having water clear :roll_eyes::laughing:


Someone didn’t open their SGFC twice a day!!! :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

If there’s no psychoactive effects it’s not worth it. Imo.

Crush a diamond into powder and dab it. It’ll be yellow.

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If that is directed at me, I believe you are mistaken. I am not the account of which you speak.

@ExTek90 it was clear clear in the amount that I made. I didnt have a liter of the stuff, but it was nice clean THCa. That batch did not yellow the way a lot of THCa has in my experience. The terpenes that spun off were fat free and pretty clean for HTE. The input material was 2 week old stardog guava flower. Fire in fire out right?


Not talking about your account. Talking about blacklist