Lets see your concentrates, or better yet lets not see concentrates. Post your best picture of what looks like a concentrate. Lets see some side by side pictures of concentrates and also what might not be. Lets see if people can guess which is which. Please refrain from posting recipes for these products. There is no need to encourage fake products in this market. This thread is for purely entertainment.
Reminds me of this classic Would you smoke this? - #5 by Hansel
That’s uni!
And a side of wassabi.
Is that Thca in the back?
Honey or full spec?
Crc shatter or rock candy?
Facets or stones?
Dab or cerumen?
Live resin or live resin butter ?
Live resin sauce or live resin butter ?
Crc badder or cheesecake?
Live resin or honey?
Cbd disty or infused cocoa oil?
Live resin or live resin infused honey?
Diamonds & Terps or tea & sonic ice?
No Tom foolerys
looks like ice to keep the meal chilled(gross) lmao
hella terps on this one😜
idk how i feel about the tomfoolery but here we go
That looks like cbd
Is this some bomb Non-compliant D8 with lots of unknowns or is this some crappy GH fulvic acid that I dont use anymore because @AgTonik has the best fulvic acid around and thats all I use.
That shatter look-alike is funny! Back in 2017 I was running a multi-sku brand with a buddy. We were making a distillate infused syrup (so creative and innovative I know) and we boiled some table sugar and it settled like shatter. We then added a little food coloring and bam!! The perfect photoshoot look-alike. Dangerous knowledge. Would hate for someone to dab pure sugar. Sugar is to the lungs like salt is to a slug.
Would be a very tragic thing & I would never condone. Honestly with the absurd things folks do like tide pods & shit it doesn’t surprise me with the bad parts of the industry taking cutting things to a whole new low. It should always be quality over quantity.
Everyone recalls the pine resin deal…
Knew a dude who blew 26k on pine resin
Told him “you bought that MF a car son!”
I regret the trend of putting honey on blunts back in high school
Atleast that lead folks to putting disty on them though. I mean it is a sad marketing ploy for boof flower to be rolled into it but if a company puts good quality flower & good quality disty into a product It could make them stand out among the others for infused pre rolls, but sadly that doesn’t seem to be the case with a lot.
Oh god u did the same thing …back when a tube white owl was the size of ur thumb not just cigarellos finger size foil pack
“It makes it burn so slow!”
Yep that was the reason and taste sweet