Best way to decarb live resin

Which centrifuge did you end up getting?

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2: :point_up_2:


He said he upgraded to something else though

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My apologiesā€¦

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An l550 probably. At this point its the standard for high output seperation


Thereā€™s ones out there that have 1L buckets and 4 or 6 sites.


Got a link?

In my experience unless i rewash my diamonds the melted down diamonds taste like boobooā€¦ anyone else?

Upgrade you say :face_with_monocle:

What kind of yield losses do you guys see when decarbing your thca? Like if you decerb 100g of thca, youā€™d theoretically get about 87.7g if D9 if itā€™s pure thca correct? Havenā€™t done this yet but I have been interested, and now had a buddy ask me to try. I also donā€™t have an spd setup so I have been purchasing the distillate to mix with my hte with for live resin carts, and just adding a small amount of hte back to the diamonds and keeping them as is. But if the yield loss isnā€™t too great, this might be a way to avoid having to outsource disty, and make better tasting carts.

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I decarb a lil more than halfway to still have really high thca numbers, makes it appeal to the ppl that know what live is

And under 40ish% it wonā€™t crystalize back

Iā€™d love to try electrochemical decarb because youā€™d need no heat or pressure and no terps would be degradedā€¦


It is about 12% loss of carbon.

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or you could just use a centerfuge

Hey, Iā€™m an echem geek. Let me geek.

Iā€™m a business man so I am enslaved to efficiency

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So running a butane rich solution over catalyst and having vape-ready solution in 30-45 minutes versus waiting for crystalization, separation via centrifuge, decarb, then recombining?


You are forgetting the 3 years youā€™ll spend r&ding while I am spending those same 3 years making bread

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but what if I want to be the next SPDKing? lmmfao

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Better prep that legal team


I used to see that name a lot. Whatever happened to him lol