Best .3mL Disposable Vape Hardware?


Launching a new vape brand into convenience & liquor stores. Premium positioning.

Planning to use Jupiter’s CCELL LiquidX G300 .3mL disposable, but even at 10,000 quantity on my initial order, they’re a little pricey for the retail price points we’re shooting for.

Any other options we should look at?



@qma whatcha got


I refuse to support such a wasteful endeavor. Cannabanoids are too cheap to be filling the environment with unrecycleable 0.3ml vape carts


0.3ML disposables are unfortunately a necessary evil in this country. There’s just a massive population of people who will literally only buy things if it’s ready to go out the door. These are people who are incapable of saving up ten bucks for a battery or cannot wrap their head around what cartridges work with what battery types, or always lose the charger. Yes it’s terrible for the environment but if you don’t do it, those customers will not hesitate to buy from someone who does. Donate a percentage of the profits from that SKU to an environmental organization.

The other option is to eat the cost on cheap autodraw batteries and include one free with every cartridge. You can get OK autodraw batteries for pretty cheap nowadays and they usually have a bit of charge out the door. Giving them a rechargable battery with your logo on it is also a good way to increase brand awareness because even if they buy another cart elsewhere people will carry around that same pen for months. I think rechargeable batteries and Bic lighters are the best things to put your logos on because of how long people keep them and how much they get passed around to friends.


:100:. .3 disposables are to get people to try your product. They’re a necessary evil. It’s really hard to get people to spend $60 on a gram, but $25 on a .3? It’ll get them in the door.
On the bic lighters, my lighters are so prevalent I get given my own lighters a lot of the time if I have to ask for a lighter from a random person. That’s by far the best marketing tool.


I agree with q on this. Why even make the option. I care about dolphins and muskrats and stuff…


This is why I’m going to be your customer.

No evil is necessary, you can have .5 .8 and 1.0 disposable with batteries.

Also: if you can’t make a .5 disposable for $25 you’re gonna lose this game quick. Homies be doing them for $10-15 shipped lol


I’m talking about final customer price with taxes paid. In California that gets pretty hard.

Yeah I think we’re talking to people outside of legal states/dispensaries.

They will see soon enough.


What city? I can get a gram of Name brand fuego live resin for $34 including tax. So I’m having a hard time following how distillate can’t be sold easy for less. This is from LA 2020 retail dispensary. Similar experience in San Francisco December 2019. If you shop smart you find where to not get price gouged.

Short of Jungle Boys $100 small limited batches of rosin I don’t see how your math adds up. Including cost of cart / packaging / labor

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@ me next time. The legal market is ridiculously irrelevant to the United States as a whole, other then the influx of trash, lowered perceptions of cannabis users, and massive amounts of misinformation used to push sales. This guy is outside that bubble:

and then the very next few statements allows us insight at his Chad Level

And then this guy didn’t read any disposables threads, or he would have tried to compare the Chad-brand with the usual suspect china vape dealers here. He just wants the forum to re deliver

I choose to not deal with certain types of individuals because not only are they not welcome in this market with their money grubbing disregard of consequence that brought us wonderful events like EVALI. I curve many people that give only slight indications of chadiness not only for moral reasons, but also to avoid suffering on my part:


I’m not sure why you took the time out of your day to draft this-- or further, why you thought it was sensible to submit it?

Your response offers 0 value to me or the broader community who clicked hoping to learn the same information.

I have read every thread on this forum related to disposables. There are 0 mentions of any reasonable alternatives to CCELL’s .3mL disposable.

I’m aware of the reputation you have in the cart game. I have your threads bookmarked and was planning to inquire.

You could have engaged, offered value, furthered your reputation, and possibly earned new business.

You know nothing about me. The presumptions you’ve made about me are ludicrous, severely over-drawn, and baseless.

I don’t even know who Chad is-- I can only presume he’s who your girl left you for. You sound bitter. Was it recent?

You think you’re the gatekeeper of who’s welcome in this market? I have 15% market share in smokeable flower via broad distribution in convenience & liquor stores. I don’t need your welcome.

What from my post suggests this? I wouldn’t be planning to ship in genuine CCELL hardware if you were right about this, would I?

Convenience & liquor stores will be the largest sales channel in cannabis. It’s where cannabis should be-- freely accessible to consumers.

I get that there are a lot of trash and even dangerous products in these stores. That’s not the kind of product I produce / distribute.

Again, why? Because I’m not inquiring about your products? You have nothing to sell me here?

.3 disposables are to get people to try your product. They’re a necessary evil. It’s really hard to get people to spend $60 on a gram, but $25 on a .3? It’ll get them in the door.

Sad but true.

Very little gets recycled anymore anyways. China stopped buying our recyclables. Everything you put in the green / blue bin goes to landfill. Doesn’t really change things in this context but few people know this and I think it’s interesting.

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Using current market prices:
$4.00 - packaging and good stainless steel hardware
$1.75 - oil
$1.00 - labor

Puts us at $6.75. Distro takes 20%. Clinics mark up on average 2.5 whole sale price.

So if I sell it at $10 I make $1.25 and the clinics will resell at $25.

Yes, some self distributed live resin that’s going to the clinic the owners of the manufacturing have a stake in will be cheaper but that’s generally not the case.


$6.75 cost to make with 1 gram of oil?
$2 to the distro.
$1.25 = your added margin outside of labor and cost of oil you should be producing.
you need to do your own distro.
$10 retail purchase price of product with battery?

If it’s a full gram let it go for $34 out the door.

The only complaint is your giving so little medicine when it’s clearly not going to change the cost much.

Losing 20% margin to distro when you only make 12.5% yourself should be eye opening.

It also prevents you from being able to be competitively priced. If you offered $20-30 half-full gram carts with decent terp profiles. I think you’d be knocking out more business.

Thats completely incorrect for the cbd world where almost all cannabinoids have dipped below $3-4/g. That labor cost is absolutely atrocious for anything outside black market team filling. Paying employees 20 dollars an hour, your labor cost will hover around 0.1-0.3 per cart.

The most expensive thing on your list is the packaging and hardware. You can get that done for $2 and have a beautiful and functional cart.

Your numbers are off good sir, even if they were for thc.

Chad still owes me money for cartridge consultations. He’s the type to use a disposable product with lithium ion batteries. I won’t be kind to people whom perpetuate the tech.

Cheap autodraw batteries were one of the main suspects for the epidemic. Thats disposable cartridge batteries

An appeal to the idea of a lazy stupid customer is the exact logic behind people using vitamin e

This is with .3. Yes, margins are rough for manufacturers. And $25 for a .3 in a licensed cali dispensary is competitively priced.
@qma I included all overhead into labor. Didn’t want to make a laundry list of all other expenses. I should have stated that from the get go.

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You’re paying $5.25 per gram of distillate? L2L in California? I’m confused.
Are you the lab making the distillate?
You sound like a White labeler. So why wouldn’t you be distributing your own products? How do you intend to make a vape brand when you own no channels of supply?

Convenience stores? & Liquor stores? Hemp? This isn’t adding up. No matter what.

Cbd is practically free for retail consumers. Literally paying for shipping at this point for many online. Brick & mortar smoke shops and liquor stores don’t want .3 vapes either. The customers coming back to bitch about battery failures or how little was in the product at the retailer isn’t what they want either. Because they’re the first line of customer service to hear the complaints.

Why not come in strong and actually with something different or competitive.

.3 may be different but it isn’t a good different.



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With all due respect are you really teaching the dude who runs Dime Industries how retail cannabis distribution should work? Aren’t you from Texas lol

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