Best .3mL Disposable Vape Hardware?

With all due respect if someone is a big wig I’d expect lower oil prices than what we’re discussing.

He’s not a big wig. Dude is self made and got his brand in dispensaries up and down the entire state doing what it takes to compete with the big wigs. Legal California market is stupid expensive to compete in. Unfortunately just the way it is.


That distribution margin is nuts to be more than he’s making at the end of the day. I’d try to work that out. Constructive criticisms. Not talking down. I wouldn’t do it on .3s and they’re talking liquor stores and convenience stores so who is who here? Because that’s not cannabis.

Also: don’t let your place of birth be the reason you can’t participate in an industry. That’s some poppycock to think Texans aren’t in every state or aren’t aware.

I now own a business in LA… also.

I’ve had plenty of customers come into the shop and buy disposables every. single. visit.
Even after offering free batteries, and with 1 gram carts being only like $20 more.
It’s the pre roll of the vape market

Some disposable pen customers are old and confused, most are stupid and lazy.

So in theory if the disposables were .5ml sized they could reduce waste by reducing purchase frequency?

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I wouldn’t call myself self made :man_shrugging:.

@moveweigh Even if you distribute yourself, there’s costs attached to it. I also only use the most primo oil. You may not be aware but the trim tax in California ends up being around $2/g. Add in other state taxes and it adds up. We also only use 95+% cannabinoid oil which has a higher price tag attached. Making your own oil in California is almost idiotic right now. You’d save maybe .50c a gram and have to pay your overhead/manage a team product coming in and out.

Think of it from a customer satisfaction standpoint. How many puffs can I get for my $

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The mindset is very narrow. You’re assuming every customer thinks like you. People buy puff bars everyday even though buying a mod and juice is way cheaper in the long run. Some customers value convenience over cost effectiveness.

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I assume every customer prefers a better product than .3

Collect testimonials I suppose.

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They like convenience, but our storefront community is half assed in educating the customer / patient in better reliable products or refillable units. No one is being green anymore even in the green community. I personally keep all carts/ syringes/ batteries/ containers/ Mylar or smell proof as it all can be repurposed or reused. The storefront just don’t want you to view it that way either.

I do agree though lots are lazy which also speaks to their education / available education to them aspect.


Most cart cucks put .5’s out with .3 in it anyways. So who’s really loosing

I don’t wanna hear ccell has a .3 coil either :wink:

This is also true. Like all the guys putting .8 in 1 gram carts. At least you’re being honest?

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Exactly! Or ohhhh my plunger said 1.1, yeah but did you account for the air pocket you pushed in as well? :joy:

No customer appreciates less oil knowing the margin cost is the cart and packaging and distro and retail, always try to pollute less by providing more is a solid policy. Bad enough you’re adding lithium trash with each one.

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We do a lot of work educating customers. Believe it or not, even some educated customers value convenience over everything. They could be traveling. Some people like the discreetness of something that looks like a Juul. :man_shrugging:

Educating the bud tenders does move mountains though in terms of customer satisfaction. It’s worth every penny.

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It’d be convenient if the disposable could be .5 and 1.0 and last the full cart for the battery life.

In California if the end product is under $50 for the 1 gram the .5 would even hit $30 and still be more value than a .3

I think a $25 .5 disposable that kicks ass is completely doable.


Exactly, add $1 to the oil cost, add $1.50 to the sale price. Retail between $25-$30

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We’ve got those :man_shrugging:.

Do you realize most products you buy the majority of what you pay is packaging/distribution/retail? That’s how mass produced products work. A product is generally worthless if you can’t get it into customers hands.

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I can’t tell you how many bud tenders I’ve come in contact with, let alone “ company representatives “ that don’t retain or repeat knowledge it’s very sad. Kudos to you though for taking that initiative to go the extra mile for them :facepunch:t3::metal:t3:

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Adding a $1.00 to the oil cost will raise the retail price by at least $2.50 in the wonderful world of licensed california cannabis.

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