Bath Bombs/Salts Bioavailability

Not sure how you got the impression, we are loosing customers. And I’m not sure what the market is where you live. 25 to 35 y/o females…is where the market is at in my neighborhood…so I think we will stick to what is working for us.

Magnesium isn’t good for this

Make Cbd ass wipes

Why, are you out?

In contrast to bath bombs they actually make sense

Boofwipes by Roiplek.

Has a catchy ring to it. You should go for it.

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I’m busy with formulating something else…

Monsieur roipleks CBD scrotum soother

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May help with your butthurt

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im not sure any cbd works. I smoke weed, not cbd.

Too bad there’s nothing to help with insignificance


Sense of humor is still intact though…
Sometimes it’s the little things!

Glass half full vs glass half empty

It’s not a joke my friend. Scrotal skin is very permeable, almost like mucosa is. I pitched this to my biz partner and he is in balls deep


but…Why are my balls clear?


you’re milking it a bit too hard now

Magnesium reduces the permeability of the stratum corneum. The IDF made a topical that protects the user skin from chemical weapons. Magnesium rich bath salts/bombs are probably slowing the infused cannabinoids from crossing the skin.

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Bath bombs are for peasants.

I dump a pound of exotic weed and 3 liters of live resin in the tub


Hit it with an ultrasonic homogenizer and you might actuallly have something

I came for the disty hot tub…I left because of the Ethanol shower.