Bath Bombs/Salts Bioavailability

I’ll shave my legs and repeat the scenario.

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@shattertramp CBD can absolutely be absorbed through the skin. Dont let any of these Yahoos tell you differently. It’s all about the carrier you chose and contact surface area. Need to get the oil into the water, dont let it just float on the top. Bath bombs are OBVIOUSLY not the first choice for utilizing cannabinoids efficiently.

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Is that a bath bomb on a string in your profile picture?

Nope. Its bamboo cup and a super ball. On a cbd infused string :wink:


That recipe is missing a very important ingredient…look to add an emulsifying agent…
Also try doing things others are not…or start tweaking products.

For example. This is our idea of tweaking bath bombs. One of our bombs covered in a solid bubble bath…I’m very close to nailing this project down as finished…


Very nice. I do have someone on my team who is better versed than me with topicals who is helping out with adding other unique beneficial ingredients. We were thinking of adding dried lavender or a hemp leaf into each one too for awhile but it ended up too messy.

One hurdle I had for quite awhile was figuring out a non plastic packaging option that would still keep it from breaking or crumbling

@shattertramp QUOTE “I have been considering adding a bath bomb or bath salt to my product line for quite awhile due to requests from retail stores”
My question to you is why you are not already, they are asking for it!!
We make a few sketch products, not because we are sketchy…it’s because we are asked to make them.
There are two products in this picture that I would never put my logo on. However I have an educated test audience of mainly female nurses…that routinely request them…

I roll my eyes at my wife when I’m requested to make them…but they GO… just as they go in the FooFoo stores…ARE YOU KIDDING ME…FUCKING SUGGAR SCRUB…AGAIN…pointless…to each his own :man_facepalming:

We have 130 SKUs that I’m very proud of, all because of those ladies. And a few that I’ll only make for them…for now…
My point is…people want and people provide…or how I was raised “each cat to their own rat”


Chap sticks are where I draw the line :rofl:
Bath bombs are in the works, will be ready by the time my clients RE open their stores

You might want to rethink that theory…There are a whole lot of cash registers in this economy…All of them can sport a chapstick display…
Just saying…a lot of colder states would appreciate this more…and I live in a Sothern state that sells the shit out of them

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FYI the second object was the SOAP BAR…freaking worthless IMO…
But we have request :open_mouth:

I think clarifying that the bath bomb is specifically a topical and has no use other than that will help me sleep at night. I’m going to put 20 grams of isolate into one this weekend though just to see what happens.

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This is such a waste of time and resources. Where do you think all your isolate will go? Straight down the drain of course! Bath bombs are a stupid invention for glitter crazy girls who can’t get off off regular things.

Yet you apparently still make and sell them, so you have absolutely no problem selling stupid shit to stupid people just to make a buck.

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The real waste of time and resources is taking a bath. That’s 300+ liters of perfectly good water. A splash of patchouli oil every other week is more than sufficient for personal hygiene


I PRAY ALL MY COMPETITORS HAVE YOUR VIEW, I plan on strangling this industry.

I’m willing to bet what you refer to as " STUPID PEOPLE" have more smarts than you sir! For sure in the medication administration AREA… I had an Anesthesiologist ask me last week if i was going to make hand sanitizer, I was set back. My responce was " i thought we had that under control " Her responce was " CBD hand sanitizer " I walked around the corner … :man_facepalming:


Really don’t want to make another bath bomb post but we are also now looking into making some bath soaks, wondering if anyone has done that successfully since they are all dry ingredients

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They are way less work to make for the most part. We do have a recipe that requires… close to same effort as bath bombs…but requires a whole lot of space to dry…this recipe was a hit with the ladies…We do 4 baths in each bag. I will give you some advice, some essential oils mixed together with other ingredients will cause your bag to expand. This has happened to a few of our past experiments.
Edit…soaks have oil in them too.

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You are missing tons of routes of administration

Insufflation, rectal, etc

ok, so you sell a bunch of units of bunk products and then your customers stop buying anything.

Thats some short term thinking

I think it’s more of a situation of if you do not personally use the product you can still provide it for others. Example (one of my best selling products) I make for cats and dogs. I do not use it because I am not a cat or dog


Yea man, I cant tell you the last time I actually had a bath in a tub. And never ever have I used a bath bomb in my life, nor do I want to. I dont plan on tasting my pet tinctures either. :face_vomiting: