Anyone using shredders on material preprocessing?

I have been trying to figure a less labor intensive way to geind up material for extraction. I keep getting material brought that i have to grind by hand before extraction.
I figured there must be a better way? Like a tabacco grindsr or shredder or up for ideas ?

These people have a grinder like the Santa Cruz grinder: instagram: r2_grinders.
Or you could look into @KannaMill s products for more volume

Yes it would have to go thru lets say 100 to 200lb in reasonable time. Half day? Lol im not that bog.
Butt… This must be common issue with the big boys?
Iv been looking on alibaba for mill grinders and leaf shredders lol
Then the sticky factor would have to be maintained.
Gotta be an effecient way?

Kanna mill has some nice stuff reasonably priced.


Kinda looks like a tabacco grinda i saw on alibaba. That is about what i need. They prbly bout 100 to get their sticker on there.
Kanna mill is saying its a hammer mill.? Ill do a lil searching on those type :+1:

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Thanks @Capttripppp :wink:

@420guy, our mills work great for pre-extraction material and can also get you a nice coarse grind for prerolls if you are producing these as well. Shoot me an email and I will get you more information.

KannaMill website
YouTube video

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so you searched?!?

Biomass Grinding at various scales?
Beating the "shred" horse

yes, there are LOTS of options. from leaf vacs to dedicated cannamills.

some folks have used plastic shredders successfully. eg @Lincoln20XX and @thesk8nmidget have both mentioned success there. pretty sure @Lincoln20XX built his from the open source version. @thesk8nmidget picked up a larger one used.

there is absolutely a difference in the required tooling between “hemp” and high THC biomass.

pro tip: check the cross-links after the first post. eg these are all linked from
Biomass Grinding at various scales?


What kind of mechanical heat do these produce?

Can these be put into a walk in freezer to grind up fresh frozen so the material doesn’t have to be thawed to grind?

Curious about picking one of these up


I would think grinding biomass before extraction would knock off the good stuff and expose tons of chlorophyll…


Hey @HeisenbergInd…

The mill generates minimal heat within the grinding chamber. We use air assist to help pull the material through the mill to minimize dwell time and to help pull ambient temperature through to keep the temps low.

The mill can be located in a walk in freezer, but the VFD that comes with our mills needs to be wired outside of the freezer. We can add an e-stop button on the mill for safety purposes.

Send me a dm if you would like to take this convo offline :wink:

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We use beveled hammers to help break up the material. These hammers/knives provide minimal contact with the material to ensure high quality material coming out of the mil. We have received feedback form customers that chlorophyll is minimal. Other grinding machines who do not use beveled hammers tend to pulverize the material and really knock of the “good stuff”.

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That looks a lot like the guts of the Hippo mill I’ve got collecting dust in the corner of my warehouse, only the edges are beveled.

We do have two of the open source plastics shredders. Works reasonably well. Requires some modifications if you want it to happily handle sticky material and not heat up/gunk up.

They’re a bit of a pain in the ass to clean.

We’ve got “release an open source shredder design” on our to-do list but it’s a very long list and I’m afraid that’s not very near the top.

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I went to alibana first lol maybe should have started here. Im getting better ideas on mesh sizes and types of grinding equipment.
Dont wanna waste money on over due or under do

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It is a well explored subject here…more so than spraying distillate on flower, less so than D8.


How much is the lab sizes mill can I get pricing?

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@Lincoln20XX have you tried an ultrasonic cleaner with ethanol or iso as the cleaning solution? Realize the disassembly may be a pain either way but I my experience it’s a helluva lot faster than a bucket of solvent or a spritz bottle and a soft bristle brush

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I swear all it takes is a little bit of reading or proper search terms…

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Proper search terms is the key. I struggle with the right words, but after a few minutes, I almost always find what I am looking for.

For small amounts, 1-200 pounds, a well thought out hammer mill will do wonders.


My fritsch cutting mill can knock out several hundred pounds a day, probably more if it was just continuously fed.

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If I remember correctly @KannaMill offers a CO2 injected Hammer Mill and that’s why I offered them because I was really enamored by it I won’t lie. In fact I mean I saw the video demonstration it was the only Hammer Mill I saw was CO2 injected

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