Anyone make CBD Terpsolate/ Shatter?

Hey guys,

As many of you know I am one of the owners of

I was just wondering if anyone had experience in infusing Isolate with terpenes and making shatter and how it is done or how anyone has done it. Have heard many different ways to make this product and I am curious on how to get the Shatter to crystallize faster and make a nice shatter. I have Isolate and plenty of terpenes, i just dont know how to infuse them.

Any advice is great thank you!


Yep i do and we kill it ! Many different shatter/crystal structures

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Trying to find out the best method on making it.

Dnt buy shit terps like everyone is selling find a correct % …low and slow


Hmmmm open source :sunglasses:
A bit more info , hints or a sop is what the man. Is asking and i am yust curious
Give u’s a peek in your kitchen😀


Melt your isolate blend in your terps spread thin ish in vac oven, then sprinkle lil pure isolate on top to speed up crystalizing an der ya go


Take your mixed terpsolate and place it between 2 peices of parchment paper. Then press at about 300°f for about 5 seconds. This is how we make our isolate shatter.


Hi Oreo, So thats it? just mix terps with cbd isolate and purge in a vac? No heat correct?

No need for a vac oven. Just melt the cbd, add terps, pour onto parchment paper and let cool

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right. a vac oven would remove some of those expensive terps we just added!!


So. no vac??? how should I melt the cbd down into the terps? hotplate on low heat till it melts…add terps and just let it sit?

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Same question here

You can literally just add terpenes to some powdered Isolate and boom terpsolate is created. FYI though we do have terpsolate trade marked.


Yeah man its just heat…
Just heat it up enough and squeeze it into a sheet. I don’t know the exact temperatures but it sounds like a lot of the guys on here do…

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No vacuum. You need heat

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Very interested how you have terpsolate trade marked. you have a lot of lawsuits to file if thats true. adding terpenes to isolate does not create a good product. melting it down creates a superior product for sure just dont have the exact formula yet.

TERPSOLATE Trademark - Serial Number 88044757 :: Justia Trademarks not looking for any lawsuits but just making you all aware that we trade marked terpsolate.

Here ya go :slight_smile: Terpsolate as a slab or as powder is preferential I feel. I don’t like making it as slab because there is some heat involved/time for the terpenes to evaporate while the slab is forming. That’s just my opinion though.

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I know trade marks are a thing. We have several but just we trade mark things so people cant use it.

Definitely a brilliant thing to trade mark in this industry.

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We definitely prefer people don’t use the term Terpsolate since that is our product that we created and trade marked but at the end of the day it’s not always worth going after people with a lawsuit. We aren’t sue happy we just like to protect our IP’s