Another Newbie looking for Help with budget pumps!

Are grams and ml 1:1? I know it depends on the liquid.

Yes 1:1 is ok to calculate
But 30 ml is very little
I recomend half full but a 100 ml would be the minimum
Do you have a spinbar already ?

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Yes, I have the spin bars. I have an assortment. 1 came with the heating mantle, plus I had a bag of different sizes.

I am just about to harvest. I may wait until I have more oil. Was just wondering if I could use the older oil just to test with.

Thanks @Roguelab

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Anyone have any tricks on cleaning up vacuum grease, beyond just using a lint free rag? I tried searching, didnā€™t come up with anything.



Acetone or just buy some chem wipes on amazon. They are pretty cheap. Lit free and made for this type of shit.

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Wound up shutting it down. Busy work week ahead, and I wonā€™t have a chance to focus much on it until Thursday.

I did make a ton of progress on writing down the instructions I am going to follow once I jump into the first pass. Still a few outstanding questions/grey areas I need to understand.

On another note, I do believe I am going to downsize to a 250ml BF and Heat Mantle. Based on how much oil I think I am going to regularly have, I think 250ml is a better size.

Hope everyone is having a good enough Monday!

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Thatā€™s a smart move often I work with a 250ml flask ( a receiving flask as my boiling flask in mantels that ate larger than that size you can insulate the top side with aluminum foil to keep the heat around the flask an distill
Only down side is that the temp control is slower so it takes a little more time
( minutes) to get there
And make sure the flask is centered in the mantel for if off centered the spinbar can t catch up

Iā€™d get a mantle to match the BF. Shit, Iā€™m saying that like I didnā€™t already do it.

I purchased the 250ml heat mantle and BF.



Should I start with the heat bath at 80c and circulating to the head? Or should it be lower, and then increase as I go?

For a newbie I recomend starting lower
50C for it is then easier to identified your cannabinoids for those will at that temp not drip but swirl out into the flask
If the condensor temp is high often your cannabinoid fraqtion comes out dripping making identification harder
Temp in the head at certain vac level
And the use of UV lighting must then be used

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Here we go folks. Attempting a First Pass. Failure here I come!!!

Mantle Set Point = 55c
BF Temp = 50c
Head Temp = 26.3c
Heat Bath = 53.2c
Vacuum = 80 microns

Its currently at a fast bubble in the BF.


slow and steady @UncleJed! Awesome reading your journey! Good luck!

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Thanks man! Amen to that! Iā€™m gonna go as slow as itā€™ll let me. It kind of feels like it is pushing me along!

Mantle Set Point = 145c
BF Temp = 134c
Head Temp = 25.9c
Heat Bath = 50.8c
Vacuum = 80 microns

whoa nelly! Hold there for a while and watchā€¦ dont push forward until your head temp catchs up with your mantle ā€¦



It was dropping! So I kept going. Now its start to slowly rise again. Iā€™ll dwell at 150 and let it catch up.

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it will drop and rise depending on how much you overlap your fractions. just cus it drops dont mean it wont rise in a bitā€¦ gotta let it pump out the low boilersā€¦

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Thank you for the Guidance @The_Lone_Stiller !!! Really appreciate it. I wouldnā€™t have even thought to wait.

Iā€™ll go, SLOWERā€¦

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make sure you insulate. Fireplace rope, leather gloves, oven mitts,moving blankets all work as insulatorsā€¦

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