Another Newbie looking for Help with budget pumps!

Leather glove is in place!

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When you say insulate, you mean the BF? Not the head?

bf, head, your cow ball…

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Is it normal for the head temp to take forever to move? Its stuck at 26.7c for about an hour now!

you can bump that up a bit…

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The mantle?

yes sir.

if your vac is good, and nothing has warmed the head up in a while (both subjective!), then bumping the mantle up is appropriate. once something starts boiling (new fraction), then your vac will drop (bigger number) and the head temp should raise to the boiling point of that new critter.


Vacuum is at 70 microns and holding steady. I’ve never heater the glass before, it was sitting in my basement, I just put it back together for the 10th time and fired it up this morning. I think I’m not being patient!

Please tell me good sir, if this is a correct assumption… If I’ve already decarbed my crude oil, and also went up to 140c for a few minutes, I shouldn’t have much heat (no vapor) in the head until I get up above 140c, and to the next fraction?

reasonable assumption. does depend on how deep a vac you were pulling last time you hit 140. most who decarb in the flask don’t do so at vac. so there will still be “heads” to be had.

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I didn’t run it under a vacuum. I decarbed for 20 minutes at 120 untili lake, then 5 minutes at 140 until lake.

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Sorry, when I say lake, until the bubbles stop popping and its smooth.

I guess I was spooked. When I got the BF up to 150c, I backed off because the head was at 26.7c. I went slowly up to 165c, and the head temp is quickly climbing.

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Ya it has to warm up the path ( the head), patience is key. Definitely scale your temps slowly so you dont over shoot

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@Roguelab Let there be light!


Exiting well you are one of the best prepared good luck :four_leaf_clover:

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Well, I wasn’t able to get the head temp up on it’s own, so I used a heat gun. Not pretty, but I wound up with stuff.


Wrap the whole head in alufoil Just a peep hole at the reflux section
It helps👌


When I first start running, should the heat bath already be circulating 50c water into the condenser, or do I wait for the head temp to increase first, and then chase it up?

Stupid question, but I was curious. If I took the oil after it has gone through the first pass, and then mix it with crude and run it through the SPD, will that hurt the cannabinoids?