I am coming to you now as a Wookman asking you to please decide whether this forum should allow users who have higher than level 2 trust to be granted editing capabilities for posts for durations exceeding 1 day and unlimited maximum time length for editing. I feel 10 edits a day, is fair and effective for the rest of eternity.
Currently edits are limited to 1 day. Just to be clear we are talking about ADDING or MAINTAINING and NO rights will be lost in the process
I just want you guys to be happy… Whatever that means and looks like. I understand the requests, and I also understand the creators side. I’m just happy to be here, and to be considered part of the community!
But then someone might come in and make the same mistake and we’d have to talk about this again. Better to not delete posts and break the conversation…
This is correct. I can’t tag that group though, but you can always call them. (I am not asking for THAT capability, a blind man can see how that can be abused)
Right now since its at a day the number of edits is really high, change it all you want in a day. If its unlimited this should be lowered to limit the ability for a user to make a mess. Or it can be 400/day still which makes for mass edits and messes.
that is correct. but if I were a unscrupulous vendor, a 2 month long con would probably be worth a 2000 active user push notification, whereas a 96 user notification would be pointless for sales purposes
flags limit someone from being a 3 but the most flagged user can be a 2. this poll is open to all, not just tl2 and 3, also not long enough, so I think its invalid.
this also isnt about tagging (thats what we should do forst imo)