A/B Extraction and Isolation of Psilocybin

so this structure was mostly inactive the test came back at 0.08% total alk

Lol rip


Could it be due to impurities in the sample that obfuscated the results? I know potency testing edibles has this issue.

No I don’t think so.

The panel my extract results were on also had testing of GT at 0.3% (which is kinda low but not totally off base) and chocolate which tested at 0.008%. assuming that is simply bc of the weight /dosing of sample.

At this point, i think the issue with testing edibles is the wt/wt%. It’s presented as lower bc of the total weight of the sample, ie chocolate.

Think like the farmbill loophole

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There’s more to this issue than just the active dosage vs dead weight. Micelles/emulsions can effectively tie up actives and make them invisible to HPLC. Was your sample testing with GC or HPLC?

IIRC, this is a big issue with potency testing things like water soluble cannabinoid preparations. I’m working off memory and don’t have any good links but it’s been discussed here before by smarter folks that cyclodextrin bound cannabinoids require the analytical lab to adjust their testing procedure to actually come up with a useful potency figure.

Maybe @analyte or @TheLastHashbender can explain this issue a little better.


That may be the case for edibles, especially with the chocolate as it’s a fat/sugar emulsion with a water soluble compound you’re testing for.

However, with the extract, I think that’s improbable if they’re at least producing viable numbers with their fruit test.

Was HPLC at a 3 letter licensed lab, albeit early in their process development

The panel they tested for was quite impressive


You might consider a rack where the cls has some additional support by means of springs
Using springs that give some slack on a good pull


I walk this back…

Might need to get the extract retested.

Second lab with same issue, with different sample

Seems to be a methodology misstep and not the extract

Some labs can test extract just fine. Others are having a hard time


I have found that testing edibles definitely requires a different SOP but biomass and fruits should have a very similar SOP but it will have a different dilution with the extract to make sure it’s not way out of the calibration.
For cannabinoids in my experience I have had to run emulsions and cyclodextrins with cannabinoids slightly differently than I run straight extracts or biomass.

I think the solvent system for mushrooms plays a huge role too. One SOP might be good for fruit at the low potencies it has but that same solvent system to mass ratio will not dissolve all the actives in concentrate if the correct solvents are not chosen.


Would love to see the presentation

No remediation just temp control, didn’t filter past 2um. Return was 18.9%

Below is w/ different parameters.

Thinking actual fruit color plays a part as well.


Keep this going yall! I can’t contribute much to the chemistry going on here, with my current equipment.

My beloved cat named “Princess” did the following:
extraction of 100g super dry p. Galindoi (10-12 months old), with Torco Brand methanol (SDS sheet = 99.99%).
Methods & Results
Powdered super fine w/ coffee grinder. Shaken in a jar, w/ 140mL methanol over the course of 2 hours, as often as possible. Overall shaken about 30 mins, of the 2 hours. Filtered, pore size 10um).
Repeat x2 w/ ~50mL methanol (only recovering enough between fractions to where 50mL is plenty)
Wash filter/media with ~30mL methanol.
Another ~20mL of methanol was used to wash glassware throughout the process.
Total MeOH used = ~300 mL. Total recovered = ~220 mL. I’m confident I was efficient, but would need a larger pore size, or vacuum filtration to recover anymore solvent.
Evaporation time in open air = 20 hours, then put into a food dehydrator at ~150F for 3 hours. DRY
Resulting extract scraped up, and weighed = 2.93 g … dosed out to 0.2g /per
not gooey at all… just really dry and tough to form into a ball. Active??? mmmhhmmmm
After looking at a ton of scholarly shit… the time frames used in this extraction should be optimal to get ‘most’ your actives relative to biomass. Some state 1 hour, some state 24 hours. 24 hours is best if you want to make sure your getting everything, across any species.

Its worth noting all this research is regarding fruiting bodies, not sclerotia. I will keep my remaining sclerotia mash for a long term bulk extraction-purification.

I’ve found similar dosage trends as the person above me stated. IME Dried sclerotia are about 1/2-1/3 as potent, by weight, as good cubes. My sclerotia are always at least 7 months old, sometimes 12 months. 5 grams is a standard dose I’d say. 10g’s is gonna get you rocked. 15g is for big tymers. The feeling is definitely characteristic to sclerotia.

FYI: after dehydrating many batches of sclerotia, they dry down to 1/3 their wet weight. Near exactly, every time.


Anyone grown and extracted psilosamuiensis? There was a nice paper on the methods used for its extraction.

These extractions from different cultures will prove more psychedelic sesquiterpenoids exist.

If actives are what you want look at cas9 cutting ability and inserting psilo16 gene or other pathways into metarhyzium. It will excrete it out of the cells.


You call them psychedelic sesquiterpenoids; do you have a source for the pharmacology? How do you know they are active in that regard? I cannot find any pharmacology info.

2TwonewsesquiterpenoidsfromPsilocybesamuiensis_2_.pdf (261.6 KB)

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PSILOCIN.pdf (363.9 KB)

“ The identification of psilocin and psilocybin in mushrooms can be accomplished by: 1) drying the mushroom material 2) adding methanol and grinding the sample 3) filtering out the leftover particles 4) adding acetone to precipitate out the sugars 5) and then filtering and drying the sample. The sample can now be used for color tests, micro-crystal tests, HPLC, and TLC.”


hey, I was wondering if you offered any kind of consultation your work is amazing.


I’ll shoot you a dm

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As a 3rd party, I can back that up and say this gentleman REALLY knows his stuff - you will be very satisfied


Thanks bro I appreciate that!


Dude you routinely impress me with all the shit you’re capable of!