A/B Extraction and Isolation of Psilocybin


Looks like this brand has a variety of sizes. Yeah we’re talking big $$$ here compared to non-industrial baths, but these probably aren’t marketed towards mushroom extractors or the DIY type🤣

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After doing more research your idea to just stick with methanol as my extraction solvent makes the most sense. How many cycles should I run?

in theory… couldn’t we vape freebase psilocin? Is it just too sensitive?

i was recently at an underground event where you can acquire just about anything… the dude slangin deemster carts, also had psilocin carts. I’m very skeptical, assuming it was probably some new age bullshit like 4-ACO … but what do ya’ll think? Has anybody ever vaporized 4-ACO-DMT?

I just harvested some p. Galindoi that was 13 months old. The substrate itself bruises blue, like every part of it has been thoroughly metabolized… I’d guess I’m leaving behind almost half the available alkaloids, the way it all bruises after harvesting the larger truffles. IDK what to do about it though. Harvesting these sclerotia is a f’n pain in the ass. Any ideas? I don’t have any good plan on how I’d extract from like 5 gallons of mycelium…
Maybe make a Water extract… boil it down… resuspended the resulting sludge in Methanol and evap?

I still don’t quite understand where these Adaptatabs originate from? or how the hell you’d acquire some… I’d assume it’s coming from a chemist working in the medical research of psilocin/psilocybin.

takes a lot of chemistry to vape it. an impractical amount. that’s all I can say.


Smoking mushrooms is currently a stoners’ snipe hunt…

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[updated pic below]

missing a few pieces. but the behemoth is almost operational

switching the wye for a tee so everything is centered, the vapour path is all that’s left to build.


That’s a true Frankenstein good sir


holy shit, is that a soxhlet?


it is indeed.

even wired up an internal heating element/PID in the keg. all I need to do run cold liquid through the condenser


less scary with weight centered lol

also got my 5lb rig today


Beautiful Good Sir!


needles, freak accident will try to recreate


Over 95% purity


Damn! That is a beautiful site.

I see the scale up went well. Those are impressive crystal structures.

Is this the product of the procedure you discussed earlier?
( I’ll refrain from repeating as I noticed some redacted posts)

This is awesome!
You are awesome!


Recently using butanol vs h2o because it’s more green than the chloroform.
Thank you it’s been a process. Very fun r/d though!


The differce in color, between HashBender and Dinkleberg is pretty wild.
Hashbender, how do you figure your crystals are of such purity? Are there already known psilocin indicators for NMR / HPLC readings? I assume so. They look closer to the the ‘green’ crystals I’ve read about in published journals. Yo Dinleberg, looking good man! Any way you know of to get a chromatography/spectroscopy readout? Those crystals look great, but the color seems a bit weird honestly.

In reality, polymorphs of psilocybin/psilocin could both be possible right? There’s not THAT much research on these alkaloid to say yet.

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It’s cool to see this thread go well beyond my knowledge, thanks for posting yall.

Yep I gave samples to someone who could test.

I expect high single digits maybe in the teens at most.

This was just from meoh with saturation and temp control. No chromatography to isolate.

I ended up rewashing that structure with cold meoh and sitting it in the oven overnight before sending out

Color was more off-white than tan-orange like pictured above


Hplc verified vs certified standards.