Δ9-tetrahydrocannabiphorol (Thc-P) Novel cannabinoids found in Cannabis- 7x more potent then d9THC

1,1-dimethylheptyl analog is the one that fits in there best. It’s a regulated compound.


Thank you!

looks more like 30 years late to the game :rofl::rofl:

:thinking: if I could just convince “industrial hemp” to produce it…


Make it from verbenol/ α-phellandrene and the corresponding olivetol compound with a Lewis acid.


sure (as if I actually understood that synthesis :wink: ), but the trick is to have it fall under the farm bill as a “hemp” product so we can tell the DEA to go fuck themselves.


I wonder if this could help addicts with withdrawals?


the effects including catalepsy remind me more of synthetic cannabinoids than anything. A lot of those are full agonists if i recall correctly


Yes the dimethylheptyl analogues have been well studied of the natural cannabinoids as well as synthetic analogues, increases potency across the board.

These two are interesting as it’s the first time we’ve seen the longer more potent chains naturally in cannabis

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How do you think these are naturally formed?

You think its enzymatic?

@Kingofthekush420 Yes gotta be a mutation of some kind, just like THCv . The amounts produced are tiny but could theoretically be bred to produce higher amounts.

They also only tested one variety so others may already produce higher concentrations


The d8-THcP May be interesting as an intermediary in potency as well as displaying d8s medicinal properties more prominently


I’ll purchase precursors if you’d like to toll synth both these new heptyl and known dipheptyl analogues , only need an ounce of each lol


not sure a stronger CB agonist would be more effective in aiding in withdrawal, as stronger CB agonist than THC can cause dependence/withdrawal. And according to vice, it(synthetic cannabinoid addiction) is not much better(or just as bad?) than heroin addiction/withdrawal.

maybe with the post acute withdrawal depression that inevitably follows, similar how many people use/theorize with various psychedelics.



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“The precursor ions of the neutral derivatives cannabidiphorol (CBDP) and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabiphorol (Δ9-THCP), 341.2486 for the [M-H]− and 343.2632 for the [M + H]+, showed an elution time of 19.4 min for CBDP and 21.3 min for Δ9-THCP (Fig. 1a). Their identification was confirmed by the injection of a mixture (5 ng/mL) of the two chemically synthesized CBDP and Δ9-THCP (Fig. 1b) as it will be described later. As for their carboxylated counterpart, the precursor ions of the neutral forms CBDP and Δ9-THCP break in the same way in ESI+ mode, but they show a different fragmentation pattern in ESI− mode. Whilst Δ9-THCP shows only the precursor ion [M-H]− (Fig. 1d), CBDP molecule generates the fragments at m/z 273.1858 corresponding to a retro Diels-Alder reaction, and 207.1381 corresponding to the resorcinyl moiety after the break of the bond with the terpenoid group (Fig. 1c). It is noteworthy that for both molecules, CBDP and Δ9-THCP, each fragment in both ionization modes differ exactly by an ethylene unit (CH2)2 from the corresponding five-termed homologs CBD and THC. Moreover, the longer elution time corroborates the hypothesis of the seven-termed phytocannabinoids considering the higher lipophilicity of the latter.”


full cb1 agonists (∆9-THC is a partial agonist of cb1) can and do often cause seizures, neurotransmitter imbalances etc
sometimes resulting in death. Just because it is natural doesn’t mean it’s any safer then the synthetic cannabinoids that have had people being hospitalized/ending up in the news


Those synthetics were hundreds of times more potent, not 7. The dimethylheptyl analogues can be 800x more potent.

They only just discovered this in cannabis but it means we’ve all been ingesting it in small amounts as long as we’ve consumed cannabis


And they only looked it one strain, so we are not sure on the levels…


I had a friend who was getting hu210 or hu211( whichever one is the 800x more potent one)

He found out I wanted to sythesis it and told me over in Europe they have synthetic cannabinoid clinics how we haven heroin clinics here

He said him and his dad tried that shit and got hooked

He said theyd take a hit out of a bong and theyd black out for 3 hours then come back

I guess its addicting to

They couldnt sleep or eat without it in there system

Be careful with some of these more powerful cannabinoids


HU-211 is a NMDA antagonist without traditional CB1 activity

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I love the fact the double bond is in the 8th position :wink:

Its basically 11hydroxydelta8thc with a different tail