Thc-P Cbd-P and Crispr

Consumption of GMO products is not what scares me. The science has superceded the “ick” factor and determined it safe (barring the results from 50 year longitudinal studies on the effects of consumption).

Could not agree more with everything you said!

While yes, this is very alarmist, can one be blamed for feeling that when when critically examining the effects humans and their actions have had on the natural world. Seems we have a long history of destroying ecosystems and species with our “beneifical” decision-making (usually considered good practice for the time).

I’d rather be alarmist and tread carefully when the consequences can be potentially catastrophic. (Not that I necessarily anticipate free-moving GMO cannabis pollen to be the downfall of the species)


Create a dread disease, spread it around, and then sell the cure or resistant genetics. Someone is probably working on that right now.


No. It doesn’t pay attention to science. Totally different concept.

Is CO2 a hydrocarbon? Or even “hydrocarbon based”? Oregon defined it as such in their law. That doesn’t make it so…

Hemp and Marijuana are both cannabis. Using crispr to modify a critters genome leads to a genetically modified organism. That’s the science.

Defining otherwise by law doesn’t change the biology. It is merely for the manipulation of public opinion


Well i agree in general but not in this scenario. There is no evidence that smoking thcp flower day in and day out (or thcp dabs for that matter) is safe and healthy. I’d be less concerned about the side effects of gmo and more about the intended effects!


Yeah, but it’s ok. They used crispr so it’s not gmo…


And the HU-210 version sounds terrifying…


You’re absolutely right, especially concerning the concentrated extract of said plant. I can imagine we aren’t too far off from actual (medical definition of) overdose on cannibinoids becoming a real possibility.

Great! Now the one drug that wouldn’t kill me and fights cancer (among other things) can kill me now! Who needs a panacea anyway?!


Hu-210 has already been used during the Spice/K2 craze a few years back.

Potent CB1 agonists lead to overdoses which can lead to hypothermia, seizures and even death. They also show strong withdrawal symptoms not seen with partial agonist like d9thc



GMO is also taking a landrace from Pakistan & breeding it with a Mexican oxacan landrace.


The argument was always “weed can’t be bad because people have been smoking it for a million years and no one’s died yet” – and that was a good argument I fully agree with. But now that we’re getting into cannabinoids that have no history of consumption by man, that won’t fly. Say what you will about big pharma at least they are called upon to provide some level of proof of safety before releasing something (though sketchy things still make it through of course).


Meh. Too big a hammer to qualify as genetic manipulation. Same applies to mutagen based breeding.

We didn’t come up with “GMO” till we learned how to splice DNA in the test tube. Those who figured it out sat down in asilomar in 1975 and figured out how to proceed before making mod one.

The argument that gmo is no different from traditional breeding is marketing hogwash too. Simply an earlier attempt to calm the public. Just as disingenuous as “crispr isn’t gmo”.


Yeah. Like I said. Sounds terrifying.

Wasn’t “all natural, hemp derived“ was it?

So we are agreed that a “Non-gmo hemp” plant That had been engineered to make hu-210 would be a Worse idea than @Kingofthekush420’s current plan?


Agreed, also check out dimethylheptylpyran (DMHP) and Parahexyl. Both are the d6a,10 versions with different tail lengths

Btw, THCp would form a very similar compound to HU-210 when taken orally. Difference is THCp has heptyl tail and hu-210 dimethylheptyl tail. 11-hydroxy-THCp would probably still be very potent

Edit: actually hu-210 is the d8 isomer so a little different there



If I had any sort of big boy money I’d love to get @cyclopath and @silverstudent on a collab


Is the ratio of D8/D9 constant or variable?

One might imply enzymatic, the other environmental…


Has anyone actually bio-assayed either heptyl? It’d be crazy to invest a ton of money time and effort into something for human use, if nobody knows the effect in human. Lab results don’t always translate into human result.


Dude! Have you tried this shit?

Shows binding affinity & mouse data. Presumably bioassay data is anecdotal at best right now.

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They have standards for all these now

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The question was “haz you huffed it?”

Or are you suggesting a 1mg/ml In methanol Analytics standard is the place to start for bio-assays?!?

If the high sucks
The buy sucks
(Them non-GMO plants are expensive, least the first 1/2 dozen are!)


All im pointing out is that there’s standards out there now for this shit so you’ll probably start seeing these pop up eventually.