1st SPD run - mantle stuck at 190, head at 50

I do this in my basement. I dont want any fumes from the acetone or iso. So DI only

I mention because the OP ran out of DI but the cold trap looks dry.

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Sorry If I missed it, but did you mention what brand of vac grease your using?
Also it Sounds like your having vapour issues from excess volitiles in your crude ie terps ,alcohol etc.

I’m using Krytox vac grease.

I’m hoping my biggest issue is the circulating pump crashing at the same time as my dry ice melting. Though I’m sure my crude could use some polishing.

Krytox should be fine but I believe they have changed their formula or the company changed hands, you should invest in some Apiezon PFPE 501 especially for the hot joints like on BF and head. YouTube how to grease glass joints correctly, don’t mean any offence by that btw

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Add a little iso to the DI it will reach lower temps and make your DI last a bit longer best of luck

Thanks for the comments. No chance of being offended by your or anyone else’s input. I have way too much to learn. I’m extremely grateful for this community. Everyone here is awesome.


I added Acetone to my DI. Might have added too much (maybe over 50%) since it bubbled the lid at one point.

I go around 50 precent with iso and DI to start then just top up DI as needed. Never tried acetone but results should be similar.

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What extraction method did you use? ethanol? and what temperature you use?
For CBD pull, your 5L flask should be boiling at 195C.

You have a good vacuum pump, but 376 micro seems not good enough. Check your vacuum pump oil after your pump is cool. See if you small anything from the pump oil. If there is a small, you need to change the pump oil.

Thanks for the comments. You mention here that my bellow is probably coated with volitiles. Should I soak them in acetone or iso to clean them out? Is there a better way to freshen them up? I have ordered a new one, should I wait for it to arrive?

Thanks again for the help.

Yea you want it to be dry. You would probably benefit at this point just using a hose directly to your trap.


Ok. Thank you

So, I ran a vac test blanked off past my bellow through the T. Hit 11 microns, so I’m assuming the bellow isn’t a problem.

Then did a full test and only got to 176.

Is that low enough?

Change out your gl fittings. And your hose. What grease are you using.

Load the bf up, and stock up on DI. Buy extra, better to throw out than need it and not have it again.

You can dona good run 200 microns or less.

iso or acetone will allow the trap to get colder and be more efficient, allowing for a deeper vacuum. Also if you are just worried about vapors, the vapors will be drastically decreased when it is cold on the dry ice.

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I blanked off the thermoprobe and head thermometer spots and now I am at 29 microns.