You think there is feds on here?

What happened to your comment saying ur intelligent and calling me a jamal? With out it my comic book store comment it’s way out of pocket.

oh man those were the days hahahaha. I remember getting QP’s weekly back then, it’s crazy how cheap BTC was… I remember getting it for $13 a coin back then. I had like $500 stashed in a paper wallet that I lost… It would be worth over 300k now…

Lesson learned… if you do use a paper wallet, put that shit in a safe.


I tried to think of all the coin I used back then, and the more I thought about it, the more sad it made me hahaha.

Oh well, I had good times!

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The URL has changed to the much more friendly: http://future42OO3zakvo.onion/

Future updates will be kept in: .Onion Relay


seriously though… best way to counter the surveillance is to not use tech to communicate

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Well here’s some of the algorithms being used

and I get called a conspiracy theorist for telling people about what is obviously happening…

ps this is public information



All that needs to be said; and that was like 5-10 years ago; whatever they have now is even more invasive.


Yeah… but the NSA doesn’t give a fuck what anyone is doing with weed…

Overfunded leos that can clicky clicky on some software and make connections that even the target aren’t fully aware of could be dangerous for some.

I’d bet someone on here knows what to do with this or already has