You think there is feds on here?

re: read only mirroring, i was personally interested in non abusively attempting to spider and store a copy of the forum offline, updated every 6mo or so. Is this out of the question?


Not a problem with me. I only wish I could make this easier and Iā€™m open to suggestions. The easiest thing I can think of is distribute a copy of Discourse (forum software we run) the DB and uploads for unrestricted 3rd party mirroring. Getting that automated on a monthly basis for public release would be awesome.


Man you might not bring ground breaking cannabinoid tech to the table
But I shure as hell appreciate your time and effort :pray::fist_left:


This would be great. Iā€™ll make sure to get some content going. Excited to have an outlet for this!


that wouldnā€™t be too bad of a solution

RE feds, warrant/gag canaries, and being legally served: There is no way for me to tell who is a fed any better than people lurking here, accusations have been made. Future is Chris Swecker who is a FBI Special Agent!

I never really had much faith in warrant canaries. Freedom of speech is important to me. I would rather go to jail and face a million in fines telling the truth than be gagged / forced to lie. Thereā€™s never been a court case involving a warrant canary afaik.

Transparency report:
Weā€™ve never received a subpoena or any official notification from any law enforcement of any kind. DMCA take down requests are common for public forums as are lawyer fueled nasty grams, we comply to all US laws best we can.


Can you not just encrypt the login credentials and keep the keys on a server in another country?

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Discourse uses the PBKDF2 algorithm to encrypt salted passwords. This algorithm is blessed by NIST. I donā€™t see the advantage to making them public even though they are technically secured already.


Not even close. #onlyinhumboldt

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@Curious_Roberto xrp???

I donā€™t have any anymore, but Iā€™ve dabbled in all the crytpo. Donā€™t have any holding of value any longer in any coin.

Was mainly btc, litecoin and xrp. I had a few wallets for the various things, but got lazy and use coinbase now.

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I use CB to purchase but i use a ledger Nano s to hold the btc/dash/xrp I have. Im not to find of keeping them online. I started picking up xrp when it bottomed @ $.17 so Iā€™m up right now about 60% on my money.

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The NIST got stuck holding the bag for the NSA already. I canā€™t back any RSA technology. They do it for profit, not security. Each time someone outs a glaring vulnerability, they just pull the next tool out knowing full well that it has a vulnerability also. NIST vouching for RSA is a comedy waiting to happen. Iā€™m not knocking you or the site, but there are precedence for completely anonymous communication to and from websites.


If you think about the application, this is more than enough for what it is doing. If the NSA wanted to crack the saved passwords on this site, they could. They have the resources and backdoors.

However, as a public site heā€™s not worried about the NSA, heā€™s worried about a drive-by data-breach and having the usernames and passwords cracked and put up for sale. No drive-by hack-job is going to be able to break PBKDF2.

If you are relying on these algoā€™s for secure communications, you are in for a bad time. If you are using them to protect your users from a data-breach, you could do a LOT worse =)

Plus you are not re-using passwords, are you??? So what do you care if the stored PWā€™s get cracked, if they got that far they already have the cleartext PMs of the site. The NSA is not going to waste a 0-day to get the passwords of a online forum :wink:


Youā€™re not wrong, but I hate RSA with a passion and know there are equivalent open source alternatives. How RSA got their teeth in NIST Iā€™ll never know and always hate, lol.

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Fair enough, and reasonable IMO =)


Nice man!!! I made a nice chunk of change off of some btc back in mid 17, enough to move across the country and live for six months. Lately just pop some cash in cb to buy seeds and such.

If only I held onto it a little bit longer though, missed that 20k peak,I literally sold and moved before shit went wild for that 6 months, been kicking myself ever since, but oh well, still made a nice chunk!

Maybe not now, but next dip I might buy in again.


When I think of all the coin I spent on vicodin on silk road back in the day, it makes me extra sad hahaha


Sweet, I like to say any profit is good money. If you have a stack laying around that you can live without pick up some xrp.


I know the conspiracy charges all too wellā€¦ A real crock of shit! Only good thing that came from them, was my GLG discountšŸ¤£ If anyone legalizes it, they will most likely let only the elites in Washington profit off it