YHCHEM Ethanol Extraction Centrifuge (Brand New in California)

Still available.

You should post pics IMO


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Price-is-right rules 251.00

Here are the photos.



I figure the tangential drain alone is worth $1000

…hoping it’s not that much work, but that’s the budget I’m requesting for my first attempt at retrofitting one :shushing_face:

Edit: first one was $4500 as an add-on.

Hi -

Three questions: 1) is this cryocentrifugation 2) if so, what’s the low-end temp - presumably -60°C? 3) if so, what’s the volume?

I’m very interested; I’m in California.

Ophidian -

YHCHEM-Users Manual-YCE-30 ethanol extraction centrifuge.pdf (1.2 MB)

Probably useful for potential customers.

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Yeesh - I’m more confused now than before. Thanks for the reference point, though!

I found their website, which does a better job:

Still available :slight_smile:


Yes. Located in California.

Never powered on.

comes with free Ex box!!


still available.

still around.
willing to lower the price for a happy home.

I bought my last 450mm basket fuge for under $7k. It didn’t come with an Ex box, but inspectors here don’t accept Chinese Ex stuff.

At least the motor isn’t excessively undersized, but if I had to guess, you’re going to be lucky to get half your original asking price in today’s environment.


14 posts were split to a new topic: Which way is this spun son?!?

Moved some stuff.

Was meant to be my third bump. It was late, AND was clearly misinterpreted as dissing this Fuge.

NOT my goal. Or my place. I ain’t run none.

Seen them. They look better than most of their ilk.

@Akoyeh and @JedClampet might want to repeat the nice things they said…because their initial context is now over in Which way is this spun son?!?

Here is jeds

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