Working with spinning band distillation mashine to produce delta 9 THC

Hello Mates,

i am very new in this kind of forum. English is not my mother tongue so please excuse my english :smiley: .
I want to work with a spinning band distillation system to seperate THC from other cannabinoids like CBD and CBN. The Extract, which i would use is an decarboxylatet, winterized and filtratet ethanol extract. The extrakt was degased (removing from ethanol, terpenes etc.) and distillated in a wiped film distalltion system before. The THC content in this Extract is about 60 to 80 %.

I have read that in spinning band systems you have to use a very fast rotation speed like 1500 rpm (or more?) and a very high vacuum like 0,1 to 0,01 mbar. I would use a temperature between 140 to 180 Ā°C in the magnetic heating stirrer in the spinnind band system. I would heat the cool trap to -30Ā°C.

I have a Huber thermostate, a heidolph magnetic stirrer and a vacuubrand vacuum pump.

I just want to ask if anyone has expierience with the parameters (pressure, temperature, rotation speed, return ratio of condensate back into the spinning band column).

Thank you in advance for your help.

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Spinning Band columns are so rare, youā€™re going to have a hard time finding someone who knows how to operate one. Just last week was the first time in almost 20 years Iā€™ve seen one for sale on ebay!

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I know a guy who is all about spinning band machines. I was just talking to him yesterday .Heā€™s world class and operates in many countries. He was actually laughing and chuckling to me how old the info is old on this site. Depends who you know. Some people only work with spinning bands and they travel the world installing them and nothing else. Perhaps they are rarer birds to find. Msg me and perhaps I can put you in touch with my friend. He would want some sort of a consult fee though I imagine. Very friendly guy though.

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I ran a br spinning band for a bit. The vacuum was good i would usually get to 0.01 mm Hg. Just one vacuum too.

You wont be able to distill cbd from thc as theyā€™re isomers. They have boiling points that are too close to each other because they have the same molar mass.

DM me if you want to know more @Sebabuba

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Thereā€™s actually a couple of spinning bands for sale here in the classifieds if you take a peep in that section. I would say that the consensus is the that the spinning band is a great tool to have in the arsenal. Iā€™ve seen people get better returns at a higher percentage using the spinning band, and also running it in 1 pass. Great machines, a little pricey (But so is Pope), but (in my opinion anyway) the ROI on a spinning band should be pretty quick

theyā€™re identical you genius

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Remove the spinning band. Waste of time and effort. Pluss the be heads are generally too big, too long, and cumbersome for vapor movement upwards. Br spinning band is better from things like terpene refining or separating solvents from water.


Lol wut

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Double lol wut.

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Sums you up perfectly

Spinning bands arenā€™t rare. They are surplused all over the place.


From what Iā€™ve seen no one has been able to seperate thc and CBD efficiently using a spinning band.

The old employer won a case for a quarter mil over the fact that some one decided they would sign a contract saying they would do it and all we got back was material that had been run through the br a dozen times with a TON of t left. More than the crude had as a matter of fact. (The sued company got dissolved and no longer exists)

Edit: and the company who sued them also no longer exists :person_shrugging: hempin 101


Distillation isnā€™t going to be a viable approach to separating two isomers with close boiling points, spinning band or not


I wanted one in 2017 to distill terps from HTE. They look awesome but the price per performance is insane you can get a wiped film with several times the output for cheaper . A rep from ace glass told me he could get someone to sell me thereā€™s used because he saw a few sitting on the fields from disappointed canna customers, clearly not something to move forward with. I actually agree with Elliot for once :joy:

Itā€™s a 6 figure short pathā€¦a cool one yes but still

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At 750 ML / H on the big 22 liter system itā€™s a bottle neck

Wiper > spinning band any day


Mutually assured destruction is the name of the game in the hemp world.


I run one- complete separation might not be impossible but sure seems like it- it can be manipulated to lean the ratio, but thereā€™s always a degree of co-distillation for me so far

But in such situation is d9 separated ? Or like more selectivity altered than CBD ? :thinking:

Do you eventually get a fraction more concentrated in d9 ?

Yeah, definitely- I had chroma waste/bleed fractions, the first 3L came out like honey- thin-like CBD distilalte, then by the last L, it was like a slightly thin D9. I had the first fraction tested, was 12% D9 and 32% CBD (gonna run that one through again and get crystal resistant T-complian/free, also had 5% CBC). Iā€™d bet dollars to donuts the last 2 jars were much higher THC, just havenā€™t sent them out. Outside of a hunch, BR has that awesome ā€œAETā€ feature (atmospheric equivalent temperature I believe is what it stands for), so you know the range of compounds that are coming outā€¦or were if you were at atmosphere. Pretty neat. Could probably get closer to knocking down the D9 level if I ran it again. Having said that, weā€™ve had much higher or lower D9 levels when making CBD distillate (anywhere from 2-6%) depending on the AET and the corresponding cuts. We have logs where we record the starting and ending AET of each fraction we take so we can better understand whatā€™s happening in the column. Follks knock em, but if you donā€™t need a bajillion kgs/day, theyā€™re excellent for, say, a small batch, craft operation. We use subritical CO2, and we donā€™t run separate pulls, just one series of cycles that range- it all gets mixed together, and we end up with 72% cannabinoids before pulling water out. After pulling the water out, we have about 10% waxes on the filter paper. Thatā€™s where I like to stop personally because I feel it has the highest therapeutic value in that state. None of that has anything to do with the BR other than the throughput is great for our humble mountain-nestled operation.


I canā€™t argue that you arenā€™t separating some but definitely canā€™t separate it all like they claimed. I think thats one of the reasons why so many people flocked to them originally. GW pharma separated thc from cbd thru distillation but it required 10 sequencing distillation columns.

Some of the best distillate I made was from subcritical so I could imagine how nice that oil is with proper post