Woah - be careful with your labs

Good eye! So that really adds some clarity.

Trap spot blows up. 5 staff get burned.

I missed that address entirely.

Back to

I can’t begin to fathom how they’re going to try and strong arm $ from legitimate businesses.

They didn’t do anything right and want to pass blame on to those who sold them equipment.

People have some serious balls trying to sue equipment suppliers and legal labs while admitting to being state and federal criminals.

Many just play clueless employee I guess and pass it up the chain. What’s sad is some people do think they’re working for a legitimate business and end up finding out they aren’t. So that’s possible. Just a shitty tough break.


It’s always the arrow, never the Indian. A story as old as time its self.


Certainly not any material from these guys anymore

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The Federal government is currently trying to figure out how citizens can sue gun manufacturers for the crimes people commit with their guns.

If that precedent is set, I bet we see all sorts of crazy lawsuits that attempt to put the liability of misuse of a product on the mfg.

Got stabbed with a knife? Sue the knife maker.
Choked on a hotdog? Sue the hotdog stuffer.
Broke your toe on the corner of the bedframe? Clearly the bedframe manufacturers fault.


You mean open blasting BHO in the kitchen at my homie’s trap house isn’t a legitimate business? I thought this was Cali


A guy sued his former employer for throwing a surprise birthday party when he told them not to. Sued them for $450K.

I see both sides, guy asked them to not throw a party, as he would have a “panic attack” and company violates that wish. But suing for half a million? Bit far if you ask me.

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That isn’t at all relevant to the discussion about manufacturers liability.


I mean I hope people carry product liability insurance… For this exact reason.


It was more about how easily some can sue or why people sue.

Most see it as a quick opportunity for some cash

2020 Long Beach were a bunch of scummy theives. Alan Fakari and Jordan Kim fucked us out of that location.

I know cryo co was working for them after we walked away in 2019. They lost their type 7 license (suspended) and Alan and Jordan wanted to keep making money so they set up a lab on the blackmarket down the street. That lab blew up and multiple people died and a few severely burned.

I hope to hell they get absolutely destroyed for all the dmg they have caused to this industry.

I know they sold 2020 back sometime last year. So the new owners are not the same.

If you search you can find a few posts on here where I troll them asking if they had sold their building yet.


You mean the manufacturers of the equipment or the operators of the equipment?

It’s amazing how no one here realizes how stupid and unsafe the standards of there industry are. No one can think critically or for them self anymore and they just respew out information that’s been spewed on them. How the fuckkkkkk is a c1d1 safer than a roofed outdoor structure.


Booth haz walls… so windchimes don’t sway as much…


Don’t seem like the thing to joke about … and to be honest it was genuinely a miss on the comedic scale regardless of its lack of taste

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Who’s joking?!?

You’re completely clueless on the subject.

The incident being discussed included no C1D1 space.

Engineered ventilation, appropriate electrical, and fire suppression trump a pop-up pagoda in the back yard when it comes to extraction safety. The fact that you don’t understand that speaks volumes.

And being able to securely attach equipment to the walls in case of, god forbid, an earthquake (way overdue here in OR) really does help with the swaying.


uhhh, ventilation? And C1D1 rated everything including lights.


On a still day it’s likely that a leak of a heavier than air solvent(fuel) like propane will “pool” close to the ground. It’s actually fairly common for idiots that can’t operate a propane grill to blow up their backyard.


It’s no where near as common as idiots who play with explosive gasses in enclosed spaces. Although it’s possible it’s 100 times more possible to cause an explosion like that indoors, and and explosion it’s self is likely to be ten times as bad indoors

Call ur manufactures on all ur e
“Explosion proof” components and ask if they absolutely garuntee they won’t cause an explosion. They will inform u explosion proof means its less likely to cause an explosion, not impossible

…without appropriate ventilation, fire suppression, or electrical…

You’re welcome to do you.

You’re just plain wrong though.