WIPED FILM TRAINING San Diego, CA. Certified Class!

Free lunch is :ok_hand:


@MrRandy is :100: yall just hating on the dude for making some $$$…and its not totally out of the realm of possibility for pope to charge $10k or whatever precision extraction charges something like $15k for install and basic training


Who hated on mr randy?


I figured that was the case, Rowan seems to think to its our fault lol

Thank you!

I think you make a great point about who the target audience is, and $2500 isn’t entirely crazy in that context. I do however think that one day of instruction isn’t enough to properly cover operation, maintenance, system breakdown and assembly, and troubleshooting. The 2" Pope is also such a slow machine that a full day is needed just to go through a full set of passes. If you were to ask me, I’d say three days would be the minimum sufficient course time to get your money’s worth.

2500 for one day of training? I mean, if I saw that someone had a one day training on their resume it would mean next to nothing, as I can and have trained people I thought a good candidate on wiped film despite then having no prior experience, and have not even interviewed people who have had similar training.
And what do you know, the people I have trained are hitting the high 80s/low 90s % purity…
Seems like a $2,500 day rip-off to me but I’m pretty opposed to any kind of for profit schooling


If SF didn’t banned paid tours elefante and I would have already done this.

I’m planning on offering wfe in our curriculum


Pope sells those heat guns as a part of their packages, not on the distributors

Break just as fast as the 20 dollar heat guns too lol

They were 300 direct from pope if I remember correctly


You are opposed to people choosing to pay to learn a skill?


My 2 cents. Why are y’all trying to undercut each other? Equipment is a different scenario than this one. Teaching a skill that took endless hours and research should hold value. If This path continues i would imagine it will replicate the NorCali traditional market from a decade ago until the price plummet right before the fires hit a couple of years ago.

Here is an example if you think what y’all are charging is to high. Building professional institution (BPI) testing consist of a proctor and a class of 10-15 people. This certification testing consisted of a written and field test. Written was 2 hours and a field test that took 1.5 hours of one on one with the proctor that records the whole test to be reviewed by a board member. At the time it had a 35% passing rate. They charge 4500 for this testing with a three year mandatory review of 1500.

Your giving skills that will increase a company revenue a significant amount. i also respect the companies starting off and is trying to make their dream a reality who been in the trenches. Possibly a sliding fee scale based upon this. Psychologist do this when clients can’t afford there rate. They do this bc they were given a gift to help people and that money isn’t everything to them but they sure af charge when that insurance (investors) company pays. Don’t cut the rope short enough where the risk y’all have taken out ways the reward.


Shit…wasnt that long ago I was training techs and paying them lol


No not at all, I’m opposed to people doing the training being motivated by making a profit rather than teaching and spreading knowledge. Of course teachers have to make a living.
That’s what makes this website so awesome, yeah there are people who do paid consults but all this info is here, free!

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Would be a better business model if they just taxed their equipment, but offer free training and consulting to their customers.

These workshops seem lackluster unless they have totally different sop then the everyone else and that make a better end product.
If they’re just doing the same old thing why care at all?

What if their motivation is to shift the paradigm and to do that they need more profits and people are into that and down to pay a premium because they believe in the cause?

Its a slippery slope telling someone else why or how they should be motivated.


What other classroom settings are teaching WFE right now?


Can’t thank Of any education institution , probably because of the federal ban actually teaching cannabis extraction that I know of.
I just assumed because it’s been around pre 1970s it was a thing.
But the lack of google results has changed my mind on that.
But the equipment has been used in many different ways. just surprised it didn’t catch on quicker.

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i disagree. i dont think there is anything wrong with charging someone for a profit - yes this site is free and filled with loads of information but if someone is willing to pay for the info and doesnt want to take the time to research everything and go through all the trials and errors bc that can be costly in itself, i see charging them for it justified.

thats why consultants are there and are used in almost every aspect of businesses

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Yeah, consultants are different than classes. Teaching with profit in mind leads to rip-off like this one… $2,500 for the honor of a one day, ten person class? You could pay 2,500 for a one on one session with a badass consultant for that kind of money.
That’s why community colleges are the gem of American education, they’re cheap enough for everyone to go to and get a decent education… You won’t finish community college drowning in debt, but very likely you will leave a for-profit college with massive debt. It’s just another way that poor people get fleeced…
I’m not saying that you can’t learn useful skills from a for profit school, only that it’s a rip-off and there are better options for education than paying someone claiming bullshit like needing a certification to run wiped film training

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