Wiped Film Manufacturers

if you realize it’s off topic, and you want to know where the spinning bands are, why not Search results for 'spinning band' - Future4200?

or not.

loosen your panties bro. The off topic bit was a joke. I clearly got a relevant response directly after my post.

WFE has always been easier to scale IMO,

is a great response to my post…


You asked where are the spinning bands, so I pointed you at relevant threads…

I don’t actually care which posts you read. :kissing_heart:

you can joke about it being off topic & I can’t?
I’m sure that makes sense somehow…:thinking:

Edit: you’re also unclear on the proper way to wear a kilt :rofl:
…you don’t loosen them, you lose the panties bro!

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If you run your WFE correctly you can achieve the same levels of separation as a spinning band with double the output. I run a 6 inch VTA full speed at 4.5 liters an hour and produce distillate that’s over 99.99% total cannabinoids. Kinda hard to beat that lol


I’ve seen you say this before and I’m curious as to what pre processing is needed for this to be true. Or how many passes


Willing to reinterpret this to mean “how come so many folks make WFE but I can only find information on the BR Spinning band…”

which I though had more to do with patent law that the relative merits.

If that was the question, then

does read as a reasonable response.

Guess I misread your question.

Hickman, K. C. D. “High-vacuum Short-path Distillation-A Review”. Chemical Reviews. 34 (1): 51–106. doi:10.1021/cr60107a002

suggests that turning up the spin speed might be a good idea. not sure anyone has pursued that yet.

Edit: and while busy misinterpreting “where are all the spinning bands” I’m going to go further off-topic and point at Centrifugal Partition Chromatography as a valid answer :stuck_out_tongue:

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Fellow scot?


The only pre processing needed is winterization and to punch out correctly after. You should never need more then 2 passes. 1st pass strips terpenes 2nd pass makes the distillate.

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This is second pass. Full speed. No scrubs just winterization and decarb.14.5 liters in 4 hours. Tested over 99.99% total cannabinoids. If you’re not hitting over 99% on your WFE your running it wrong.




I have both in 2". I like the heat banded one better. Yeah, technically there’s more uniform heating in the jacketed one, but there’s certainly not enough of a difference to really affect the performance for the kind of stuff we do with it. The banded jacket requires less maintenance and it’s easier to control the temp. All of that being said glass sucks, stainless is better.

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Is this the Purepath 100 from Cascade?

How is it working out for you?
How are the distillation rates?

What’s the cost on a pure path? Arent they like 130k? For 20k more you can get a root science VTA xD. Nothing beats a root IMO.

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I think they start at $95k, not sure how much they are for a tricked out rig though.

What’s the throughput on a VTA xD? Their website only mentions a VKL 70-5.

Look above at the video I posted of me running one :wink: best machine ever.

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Nice, pumping distillate straight into jars? That’s a great feature!

I honestly havent seen a WFE that can hit the purity levels of the VTA. That’s my real problem with most or the wfe now adays. I see people running KD10s and only hitting 95% total cannabinoids. I used the VTA no training and got 99.9. Idk how you can argue with that lol the SOP they have is :fire:


Yeah, very nice. I know of someone getting one of their pricier systems but it hasn’t arrived yet.

What’s the liters per hour rate on that system and what were the lead times on delivery?

The steel one above is the 6 inch, its built in German so its 8 to 12 week lead I believe, the glass ones are 4 to 6 weeks. I’d definitely get the steel one, the output on our was 4.5 liters an hour (it takes some preprocessing knowledge to be able to get it to run at that speed) your processing speed depends on how well you decarb and deterp ( the faster it runs the lower the vac, you cant let your vac fall below a certain level ). When you get a wfe message me and I’ll help you with the SOP if youd like :slight_smile: I’ll upload the test results from the video above when I find them, my original IG got deleted so I have to find the results in my IG backup


We can supply the wiped film. Anyone are interested, please dm me, jason.cao@yuanhuai.com or my IG @yhchem

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