Why are there no flow meters on the market?

why even measure solvent flow? why not just check solvent saturation post material column?

(or material column temperature to look for solvent remaining)


I like flow meters because they tell me things without having to look at them with my eyes.

I like flow meters because then I can confirm that what my expected flow to be is happening.

I like flow meters because then I can confirm that the weight change I’m seeing is accurate.

I like flow meters because I can monitor for obstructions and other issues by monitoring flow in places where a visual check is not easy or possible.

I like flow meters because some of them can not only monitor the flow but can also control the flow rate - which means I have more control over my process.

This does not mean I don’t like sight glasses or scales or temperature indicators or pressure indicators. I like those things too.

Flow tells me different information and helps me troubleshoot other issues I might be seeing across pressure and temperature.


We actually use a few of these. They are nice and seem to work for a while at colder temperatures. I’ve only tested their accuracy cold into 5 gallon buckets and they seems accurate in that sense. My issue, and why I’m looking through this topic, is that once they get too cold the LCD freezes up (I’m guessing the liquid inside) and the internal battery loses effectiveness and the screen will go blank. Finding something that can handle the extended cold and for under 2 grand is looking like a lost cause.



our new venture, aBHOut it Industries, has a full line cannabis extraction flow meters for virtually every application/solvent. Our Current flow meters (BHOmeters) are certified to -50C, and we have a line of -90C meters in production that will be available in 30ish days. check it out.

Check out the BHOmeter now. www.aBHOutit.com


not under 2k, but for c1d1 and cryo temp applications, that’s a big ask.


that ROI-positivity calculator is next-level website quality, great work!

does ‘virtually’ every solvent include ethanol? :crossed_fingers:

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Sure does. Working on a calculator for flow meter ROI but there are a lot of variables that are difficult to ascertain

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Totally get that. I’ll hit you in the DMs if i have any more questions, thanks!