I’ve been bewildered about this for years.
Middle School science gave us the “Scientific Method”. Which, shout out to Mrs Gordon, that I still remember, states that the key to any successful experiment is designing it in a way that isolates the variable being tested, while all other factors remain constant.
So how the fuckkkk. is anybody performing a proper experiment, and producing in a REMOTELY efficient manner… if our CLOSED LOOP systems are simultaneously flooding columns and recovering solvent, and using a scale to measure solvent volume entering the biomass?
Seems like we have two options: Never flood and recover simultaenously OR install a measuring device that informs us how much solvent left the vessel regardless of how much solvent is simultaneously returning into the vessel.
Low yield? was it material or solvent ratio?
dark product? was it material or solvent ratio?
can’t seem to find anything c1d1/UL/CSA certified. Especially not rated to cryo temps.
what gives?
Yea chevron has a fill up so does shell and tractor supply. Not for my truck yet. Maybe I can drive a Closed Loop and use the off gassing to power the vehicle. I saw a sweet road paving truck that looked like a Closed Loop on wheels
If back in my glory days my buddies(just let me pretend I had friends back then) and I had a beer keg on a scale at a party… and we tared it off before we starteed… to swe how much we could drink in a night…
But my pathetic friends kept randomly vomiting up their beer BACK into the keg… the scale reading would be useless.
Many of us run a push tank and have a receiving tank at the other end. This is the work around until you’ve exceeded the capacity of the solvent scale…which is a reality.