Who makes your favorite hydrocarbon extraction system. What makes it your favorite over others?

When you eat 80% of a cake that weighs 25lbs and 80% of a cake that weighs 8lbs you have eaten 80% of both cakes

When you are extracting 80% of the sugar from the cake that has 25 grams of sugar and 80% of the cake that has 8 grams of sugar you have extracted 80% from both cakes.

Does it being a more difficult task change the math of 80% being 80%?

Only if you actually read the question you claim to be answering…

Which makes your response flippant or ignorant. Having been informed. That leaves flippant or “can’t read”.

You do you.

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Mercedes Benz for the win! Love my E350 4Matic, they are just so comfy and drive smooth as butter!


Is all this snarkiness because of a Luna that extracts poorly?

You do you.

I’m here for a chiller recommendation. I’m not a super fancy genius engineer guy that buys poorly engineered extraction systems from less capable engineers.

Nope. Extraction efficiency seems on par with other systems when run in an identical manner.

Just trying to clear up misconceptions around what extraction efficiency really means.

Eg by coining a phrase that (I hope) helps folks without formal training wrap their heads around mass balance.

Wrong thread?

Try: Who sells huge cryo chillers that aren't huge disappointments?


Lmao you’re making this wayyyy too complicated to try to find a fault in what I’m saying. It’s a straightforward answer, you should be extracting 80-90% of what is on the biomass. You can check the biomass before you can check it after. Simple stuff.

I don’t have the numbers because I worked there almost two years ago and didn’t bother downloading or saving the tests, just glanced at them on the owners phone.

I prefer -20f or -28 in Celsius. Running cold columns, cold material and -20 solvent has been working fine for me for years. Blasting -20 solvent over room temp columns and biomass is for wooks

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Anyways, have you ever ran a lunatec? Because that would be actual relevant information you could contribute. If not, idk why youre trying to discredit me. Go run one and see for yourself

He does.


Great. Then he already knows what I’m saying is true lol

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Man that could be a bzb and an aventador


Is that the 20k crc attachment on the smaller one?

Does the bigger one extract less efficiently than the smaller one but faster?

Do you as an expert extractor benefit much from the automation?

You dont think deep enough to understand what im saying then. It’s all good, if you keep reading and learning you’ll wrap your head around it and understand that it does in fact absolutely matter.

and thats why you are wrong…

Nope, the snarkiness is honestly because you are dense and unwillingly to learn.

where do you get these numbers from? lol


One of those is “harder” to achieve.

Which may or may NOT be the same level of difficulty.

Having tried with cannabinoids, and understanding that there are spatially and morphologically distinct subtypes, it makes sense to me that getting 80% of the cannabinoids is a different task depending on the starting cannabinoid content.


No, he’s saying you need to give actual fucking numbers and data in order to get a real answer to your situation. Aside from that, you’re just hoping that your intuition and experience is guiding you in the right direction. Real talk, it probably is guiding you in the right direction 90% of the time but without objective numbers you really don’t know.

By all means, keep doing what you’ve been doing and you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. Don’t get salty if you get left behind by an industry that is quickly requiring more than just “working fine” to remain competitive.


You are saying a LOT of incorrect things. So that is not the case…

What I know is the Luna allows me to attempt to teach dense people on the internet basic extraction math all while the system is running unattended and allows my two technicians time for analytics, post processing and r&d time which would not be possible in the same way it would be with a manual system.

Most people running a bizzy bee have one high level paid operator and an assistant (sometimes two) that do all of the tedious tasks required to load and unload a traditional manual system and keep it running during a shift.

I can have one tech spend about an hour packing bags for a days worth of runs and at most another hour (throughout the whole day) doing pours, material swaps and crc swaps.
Thats roughly 2 hours of labor for one person to run an 8 hour shift on the luna.

the other 6 hours they can be post processing, running analytics (since we do all that in house) and all the various other projects in the lab going on. that’s ONE person.

Now go to the manual system of choice and you have 2 people at 6-8 hours a day working to keep that system operating. That’s 12-16 hours of labor.

10-14 hours a day more than than the luna requires. that adds up FAST!
just for fun lets do a year calculation without any payroll taxes to make it simple and easy. (days in a week 5 x hours in a day 8 x weeks in a year 52= 2080 total hours)

Luna operator $20/ hour
(days in a week 5 x labor hours in a day 2 x weeks in a year 52= 520 total hours of labor in a year)
520x20=$10,400 of labor to run the luna for a YEAR!

Comparable manual system with just 1 operator $30 an hour. (that’s one badass operator)
(days in a week 5 x hours in a day 8 x weeks in a year 52= 2080 total hours)
2080x30=$62400 of labor a year to run a manual system.

that is $52000 more in labor i would spend on running a manual system with one operator.

more realistic manual system two operators one at $30 an hour and the assistant is at lets say $15 which equals $45 and hour
(days in a week 5 x labor hours in a day 8(x2 operators) x weeks in a year 52= 4160 total hours)
2080x30=$62400 of labor a year to run a manual system.
4160x45=$187,200 of labor in a year to run a manual system with two operators.

that is 176,800 more in labor i would spend on running a manual system with two operators.


I mean, I don’t think anyone is disagreeing that it’s automated and can save you labor money. But let’s do some more quick math. Bizzy bee sells a machine for around 400k that does like 2-300 lbs a shift right? So you get 20-30 lbs of oil maybe even 45 with the two operators. You do in a day with two or three employees what the lunatec takes a week to do. Even at bottom dollar bm prices of day 1000, you can make 20-45k worth of product a day or 7500. Which one will pay off faster at 400k per unit?

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We can run ~1000# a week of FF with our Luna not even trying hard on one shift.



I’m going to leave this here.


Makes sense.

You guys use yours for adult use cannabis yes?

Is most of your material closer to 8% or 25%