Who do you appreciate at Future4200? (The say something nice thread)



@qma - feel like I practically owe him a consultant fee
@Demontrich - a lot of helpful tips/advice
@SanitatemDime - pretty sure it was him who explained to me how to fix carts and now I never worry about failures
@StoneD - terp advice and other helpful tips

probably forgetting a few but these guys came to mind instantly


Nothing was “taken from you”. This is discourse, the trust levels work in a specific, open source way.


As it should be. I got neck deep in fun IRL and haven’t been on here much. I no longer read damn near every new post that comes up. I’m no longer a Regular, I don’t have my thumb on the pulse of the goings-on here anymore. That’ll change in the not too distant future, but it’s just the truth.

Rather than start a (limited) list, I’m just gonna say thanks to everyone who makes this place great. Especially the ones who think for a second before hitting send. The vast majority of people I have interacted with on here have been excellent and insightful people.


i think ur taking me way to serious

I’m just blabbering man. If you ever meet me you’ll get it.
I intend on earning it back

But I still think the rules of it need to be tweaked :wink:. Sorry I had to


Off the top of my head…

@cyclopath @Photon_noir @Dred_pirate @Waxplug1 I have learned much from and continue to do so. Much respect and gratitude to you guys.

I have in real life friends I’ve made off of here. They are the fucking greatest… @midsfactory @FicklePickle are stand up individuals, good people, my friends.

It was early. I was uncaffinated. @Soxhlet is secretly my hero. I’m 100% manufacturing in my day job, and like 50% cannabis in my non work life. That dude mixed my two true passions into a business…and is an extremely knowledgeable person in my experience. I look forward to meeting @Soxhlet one day.

2nd edit

And @StoneD for being the himself

@BG305 for being a G

@Killa12345 for reping hard for Florida…I love it.

It only let’s me mention 10 users.

Demontrich and roguelabs made my list too.

And all you people smarter than me that keep me here to draw off your experience and knowledge. Much respect.


I appreciate those who help make this site what it is. @Future, @sidco, @cyclopath, @Soxhlet, @Waxplug1, @Dred_pirate, @BG305 and absolutely everyone who supports open source tek and the idea that we can all level up together. Never have I witnessed a more devoted and supportive group of guys, gals, lab techs and degenerates all mixed together. Love you all.

I also greatly appreciate the network of guys in the PNW. @TwistedStill is a true ride or die homie. @midsfactory and his crew for their unwavering support and generosity. And @lefties.cannabis for giving me the opportunities he has.


Future brought my to murphy… @murphymurri showed me how to to a DAMN FINE (she’s purty fine too) extract. Yields are up, crystallization is banging, life is fuggin good… You sweaty wooks are cool too.

PS: @Photon_noir is tight too . He taught me some crazy shit you wouldn’t believe. He’s not as hot tho.


I haven’t contributed too much useful info but I’ve been able to learn so much.
Dudes like @cyclopath and @Roguelab (who are always willing to help as long as you’re not too stupid) and @Demontrich (who I’ve been getting tips from since my thcfarmer days) have given out so many useful tricks and basic points that everyone can benefit from.
@FicklePickle for being super generous and all around a chill guy.
Also guys like @qma @TwistedStill @StoneD @Apothecary36 @Curious_Roberto and @moveweight (theres a ton more) that keep the vibe of this forum in the right place.




@qma for being great, and willing to handhold people through the ins and outs. Insanely knowledgable and willing to even jump on a call to talk things out. Very solid.
@StoneD chill and seems to do his best to deliver his opinion as opinion rather than fact which is something I can strongly respect
@BG305 for putting me through the ringer on my first post but not being so tough about it I wouldn’t post again :rofl:
@Demontrich I’ve lurked a few threads and seen him go out of his way to be helpful to people

I’m still pretty new so this list will continue to grow. I stay isolated in the vape cart space so I think my exposure is limited


Don’t believe I’ve seen @pangea, @greenbuggy, @that445guy or @cannabuilder listed here.

They’ve all pointed me back in the correct direction on more than one occasion. Thanks again!!

The problem solving ability of this particular hive mind never ceases to amaze me. Our diverse backgrounds and skillsets are only part of that.

I blame the drugs :shushing_face:


I appreciate the love and I also particularly appreciate the weird problem solvers on here. I know I’ve been mostly off the grid in the last few months but I’ll be back and more active again soon!


no office romance lol

I appreciate everybody’s avatars, it’s what you all look like to me, it’s like looking through a peephole from the other side.

I appreciate your alter egos


Whatchu Talkin bout Willis. My.opinions are factual until proven guilty lmao


Didn’t Willis have relations with Kimberley? That show was awesome when I was a kid


The members I can think of off the top of my head are @BG305 for showing us his grow setups and answering growing questions. He is def not stingy with his knowledge.
@Demontrich for going out of his way to help members with growing tips and also showing his setup and sharing his years of growing knowledge. @Dred_pirate for sharing his extraction knowledge and showing us his goods :blush:


Part of the 23 club


you guys don’t know me (because i just made an account to say this) but this site has been crucial to me. earlier this year i got to work in my first lab. i was trained under pressure by a master. i had to learn fast and soon work alone in a bare bones type setup while we quickly grew and changed. 20 hour shifts to keep up sometimes. long story short: im laid off after a big loss/setback. i was lucky to find Future4200 because all your info boosted my confidence when i needed it to proceed in sticky situations, to stick up for myself and explain myself when things went wrong that were not my fault (as the new guy working alone its like im the first thing to blame) and helped me to realised that it wasnt my fault that i got laid off, and that i actually killed it. just wanted to say thanks.


I have vision of what everyone looks like in my head lmao

Y’all be like ooooo shit if u saw me… probably nothing like ud think