Which sous vide is the best

Currently piping hot water directly into jacketed base (12x4 rounded bottom w spout) Ive found that heating only the bottom of collection gets me the results i need. Expanding collection i meed more water than tap can provide. What sous vide or water circulation options are best. Budgetimg 500-1100 was thinking polyscience mx series or lx series. What do you guys enjoy success with?

For that price range I’d get add a Hundo and get one of these.


I’ve used several of them them personally and the only issue I’ve had is on one of the lcd screens going dead.

The warranty and customer service there is pretty substandard but beggars/choosers am I right?

They didn’t want to warranty that exact unit as it was out of the warranty window even though we had discussed the very low hours of usage and most of its warranty period was spent sitting in its box brand new not used yet.

They weren’t trying to hear all that so unfortunately I was told to kick rocks on that particular issue.

Charge it to the low price game and keep it
moving I suppose.

Although it does bring up an important topic on that issue of warranty date: if you aren’t planning to use the equipment for a second due to buildout or waiting on the finances for other equipment or a million other reasons, wait to purchase the equipment until you are ready to use it. Otherwise you may be spending your warranty period on non use of the equipment.

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you’re going to find an on demand hot water heater (electric or gas) is much better than that garbage 750w unit.

(recirculate it with a small reservoir and a pump)


750 w is useless lol
I can’t believe they even sell that.
OP. I have found 1400 watt bucket heaters out perform every sous vide on the market. Just make sure to use a temp controller.


The bucket heaters work very well.

Just throwing out a premade option that has worked for me

I use it to heat my collection jackets which is 24x12 and my molecular 24” sieve

It works fine.

DIY is always better as you can make it purpose built and save many pesos along the way.

Thanks for all the replies guys I think I’m going to go with the bucket heaters and temperature controller are there any specific models that you would recommend or just one that has 1400 w

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Depends on what your making, if crude bucket heaters hands down. If going for something pretty bucket heaters still work great just have to be mindful of when to shut them off to not darken your oil

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I use the amazon 1400 w one with a blubird controller capable of handlingbthe watts. (Also on amazon)

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All i run is nug run indoor and use bucket heaters.
Tbh the bucket heater cant even fully keep up. I have it set to 115 before the run and by the end its 85 (still set one 115)


I never used ones that you could adjust the temp mine were a 1k watt and were for thawing drinking throughs for animals. I did out a twmp switch on one once to rwbulate it cause it would get to hot but it made it mot last very long, this was 5-6 yrs ago so km sure theres many different ones now. I got mine from amazon for $40 a piece

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based off of the answers i got for when i asked about a pool pump for a jacket i would look into a tankless hot water heater

What about a couple sous vide instead one

I cleaned mine other day its doing awesome. I have to cut them on about 2 hrs before and only have one on 50gal cooler…I must have strong sous vide


Depends on tour set up, with a tankless water heater you now have an open flame so either you play Russian roulette or your gonna have to plumb it so its a safe distance from tour setup.

Or a small collection pot…
2 sous vides would pop breakers ime


What open flame is there on a TANKLESS water heater?
None… Thats the whole point. Theyre electric.

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The majority of tankless water heaters I’ve seen are natural gas fired.

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:man_facepalming: i have small collection pot I always forget we not all the same…my lil 6x12 is easy to manipulate

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Thats cool and all but thats redundant to install for this situation.

Nobody here is telling anyone to get a gas powered tankless

Mine has a flame

Well your running the wrong type for this application then…
The facility i worked at had an electric tankless. As did all the other labs ive worked at

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