When will the Hemp/CBD Market Stabilize?

pretty sure once the gen pop can get access to quality cbd/g/n at affordable prices the market will stabilize,
these retailers selling 100+ dollars of 1200mg tincture while farmers get 10 per lb of bio is ludacris, people cant afford to dose properly and are not getting benefits they are looking for so they think it doesn’t work or is snake oil.


i’m giving great oil away to all my family and extended family. i feel so blessed to be able to do so. in significant proper dose…it has to proper, not this mamsey pamsey crap. throw the kitchen sink and if you have to…throw the bathtub too! BOOM!q


100% agree with you.

I want to get B2C pricing to a point where $30/month/person can consume 300mg/day. Should be doable for CBD with the prices coming down continually.

Edit: I will say that getting to this point will require getting other business overhead down… for example, customer acquisition is expensive. I think a lot of CBD companies do pretty low volume sales every month so margin needs to be high to support their overhead.

farm to table…
make it rain oil for your community…


munkdooligan, for customers it’s always great when there are plenty of competitors out there. I simply want there would be more shops which would sell such things like Super Silver Haze or even Sour Pink Limonade. Do you produce it for yourself, or for other people as well? Just for friends? And how many days usually does it take to grow it up from the total zero to the end? Thanks.

THC is the future, and the present, money maker cannabinoid. CBD had it’s media phase and now we need to get people past the skepticism; proper dosages will make the public aware of it’s benefits. DOWN WITH THE 1,000 mg Tinctures! The only thing 5 mg of CBD helps with is anxiety; i.e. drake’s friends dog mentioned above.
When THC is allowed to be grown as a crop just like CBD, without the $10 - 20k license, I believe we will see another nation wide frenzy to get Cannabis products. Just look at Illinois and Canada right now, they’re illegally importing THC just to keep up with demand.
High quality smokable hemp will survive the next 5 - 10 years as a smoking alternative and classy folks will search it out, but smokable THC will survive until humans are gone. I mean it’s been burned since humans first found it haha
If I could offer any advice for a 5 year plan in this industry, it would be to create a plan for how to incorporate THC into your existing CBD(G or N) fields or labs. The government is moving slowly, as usual, but they are on track to legalize nationwide.
Please, anyone feel free to tell me I’m off my rocker if this isn’t sound advice.


I think for anxiety you actually need a lot more CBD to be effective. Here is a review on the topic:


Awesome article, thank you! This is very helpful for a project I’ve been working on with separation anxiety in dogs, but it still doesn’t seem to find a significant number range for dosage. After reading, it seems like 100 - 400 mg per day worked best, but also there was success with only 25mg… it’s a shame there are only 8 reference studies on the subject :roll_eyes:

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