So lately I’ve been hearing a lot of hate towards crc,mainly from rosin heads, but now it’s coming from bho heads. I understand if it’s done w bad material people hating but it seems like some people don’t even want to see it if I mention crc. It definitely gives it a different smell but I wouldn’t say its undesirable.
Anybody else seeing this? Anybody wanna say why they don’t like it?
Color has often been a standard of quality something i personaly do not agree with but it keeps the extraction and Distillation game chalanging and fun
They way crc developed was really a good time here on future4200
As of does it make a concentrate better
For old biomass Yes for sure
For fresh biomass not really
The powders are yust another tool in the Arsenal of tech one choses to use
What does bother me is that i am in doubt of some powders Silica60
For instance is a powder that has slipped treu on some occasions without noticing and i personaly avoid using it
As much as possible
For Diamonds it s a great tool
And for all other concentrates to
Even thou some strains loose terps when crc d with a less flavored result
But some strains get better once crc d less harsh
Fact is the least one does with aditional powders the more natural the product and i can understand folks wanting that
Nothing wrong with gold
Well i imagine that there should be shit Loads of badly crc material out there
And shitload of old dank biomass crc material wich looks good but tastes like shit
I know i would be disapointed buying that and if you know gold then thats what you trust
Haven t you noticed How some folks ask How to crc to get gold
Only reason is that s what they trust
The end user that is
I’d say there are A LOT of potential quality risks when running a CRC setup:
Where is your media coming from?
Has the column been appropriately packed and saturated with solvent?
Are you a pulling waste fraction, which contains the bulk of powder that passes through your filters?
How often is media changed?
Are you (as a processor) trying to hide the fact that you’re running shit material?
Even if the setup is perfect, chances are you’ll still pull media through. Maybe not a detectable amount, but some fines might come through. These fines are not going to vaporize in a banger, but we’re still adding foreign bodies to the extract itself. Additionally, it’s been shown in several cases to retain some terpenes—this reduces the ability of the extraction to represent the plant in its purest form.
As the hash community develops, there’s gonna be haters. My 2 cents is that it is a sorely underdeveloped process technology (as it pertains to cannabis) and that people are doing it in a way that presents risk to the consumer. If done correctly, however, it has many benefits including increasing cannabinoid concentration.
The sad part is $ make blind
And the treuth is we at least i can t vouch for quality
I swear i have a 0.2 um pall filter cartridge as my last filter set inline
Upon disolving some crc crude to winterize my methanol gelled
I mean thats a serious amount of silica
Was it the filter it self dunno haven t figured it out yet
But the slab looked perfect
Different folks have different opinions. I understand these adsorbent media are used in a variety of processes and don’t see a risk if bleaching clays and adsorbent media are properly retained. However I can’t find another industry that relies on a single sintered mesh plate to retain these particles and ensure cleanliness of finished product. I’ve seen some serious multi stage filtration equipment used in vegetable oil processing and I feel like I haven’t even scratched the surface of what can be done to ensure a clean end product.
Very treu main reason i am Placing a secondary collection pot to have more
Filtration areas in my setup and tune the flow
Also i must say that filter papers don t hold there form when working under pressure some research i am dooing wich is not finished but a simple test proves it
Take a crc used paper and a unused one Place in appropriate buchner and pass a carbon solution treu
The crc paper in my case passed a lot more carbon treu than the new one
Even a paper only pressure used with solvent no media
I think there are people that are using CRC for good and some that are using it for bad…
I tasted sooo much shitty CRC products over the last year im almost tired of tasting people crc concentrates anymore.
id say there are very few using the tech correctly and why there is sooo much hate. If your throwing in straight fire. Using minimal powders and getting clear terps and diamonds. And the terps are fire…then bravo!!! @Dred_pirate had some fucking fire clear terps and diamonds in Vegas. So did @murphymurri. There were sooo many bleached out diamonds with no terps added back its disqusting.
I dont understand why people cant just add back some terps at least from a good batch of live resin. Its really easy to do. No one ever said the terps had to come from the exact same batch that the diamonds were made from. You really dont need much terps to cover the fact you used shitty starting material. I just dont know why some of these little things are soo hard to get.
Personally if i was turning shit into concentrates using CRC. Im crystallizing it all…add terps from something i know is fire and making a proper product. This isnt rocket science and just cause you make something that looks ok but taste meh…doesnt mean the job is over. This is from the business side of shit and not the love for concentrates. If you smoked everything you make…you wouldnt do this stuff. Most of the people here im sure dont take shortcuts but then their are people that dont indulge in their work so they really cant judge for themselves. Im my worst critic!
That filter setup is so neat. It’s such a simple, cheap, and elegant solution.
It’s made it so I’m confident most powders aren’t getting through. (I’m never 100% sure of anything haha)
As for crc, I personally find it takes the strain I’m growing and cleans it up nicely. I definitely notice there’s a difference when I clean my nail, the residue is much less viscous, and it cleans out much easier.
And I can only imagine the substandard, grit filled shit out there. So I can see the hate from a consumer end. Like @Killa12345 said, I doubt a lot of people that saw this on ig and are doing it aren’t following the sop’s that most do here. You guys are on another level as far as I’ve seen.
I do disagree with one thing though killa, I smoke everything I make and I still do enjoy a good crc dab!
Did you ever test any in ethanol to see if was super noticable there too?
O and I have 6x filters so yeah I do think it’s a must. If I keep running in gonna get killas welded disk and maybe that @Curious_Roberto was showed as prefilter I’m so scared
I definitely agree with CRC making every thing have a same background taste. I’m able to retain enough terps to keep a different flavor for each. But all have that same smell and background flavor that is unmistakable. But ur Right, it’s crap material. Never ran fire. Just somehow cleaning it up and making it somewhat desirable instead poop soup. All kinda smells like cleaners of sorts though now
I have to say i smoke the same strains CRC live resin Vs regular live resin and it really is strain dependent . If you have a super pungent strain CRC enhances in my opinion . If it is a more mild strain then it will take away . This is just my 2 cents i smoke at least 1 -2 grams of concentrate daily on the low side and only live resin and diamonds occasionally batter . I really enjoy CRC products but i don’t smoke shit ones . Its like take a black shit dab equal to RSO or a CRC yellow dab of the same stuff the CRC will win . This is just my personal opinion though . If you anticipate something special from old material or are mis led through appearance obviously you will be disappointed.
If you run mediocre material through Crc it takes away the negative leafy old trim smell and gives it the classic crc lemony smell with no real taste.
If you run some fire fresh frozen material and go easy on the powders you get beautiful gold/yellow colors with a wonderful smell and taste, gives it a more smooth and cleaner high. We’ve done a good amount of side to side testing, even on some Major CRC Haters, we had to argue with them to get them to believe it was Crc’d.
Theres more people running shit material and trying to make it into something sellabe, than people running fire material and making it into something even more fire. But I’ll tell you what the people doing it right are killing it. Just my 2 cents.
Because CRC is like a tool and nobody has mastered this tool in this industry. It’s used in mostly all edible oil industries for purification. I don’t know everybodies setup but everyone of them i seen something wrong with them. Such as correct filtering, nobody is using multiple crcs on series flow. Each powder has an effective temperature range. Most importantly nobody knows wtf they are testing for in analysis. Powder layering framework/structure gets weird with pressure. That’s just one variable. You may have created something new. how To filter it? how to test for contamination of it in your product?
we never seen one petro background chemical engineer on here that has chimed into CRC. I don’t think they have one on here tbh.
They have a lot of incorrect process flow through these fixed bed columns. Than some of y’all are creating different problems by adding more PSI to the process systems to push solvent through these beds.
Here is one common scenario.
cake starts clogging on the sintered disc. Problems back pressure? You know if any powders have shredding characteristics? Seems with inconsistent pressure increasing this will be be force feeding the powders through the sintered disc during the buildup of the cake. . Know how is a good way to start fixing this? Have a uniformed inlet overhead spray nozzle with a max psi allowance.
Am i going to expect a newbie to know any of this no. That’s why I’m hating not Bc of what it can do but because i feel it isn’t safe until we know exactly how to master the column to take out the dangers we could possibly be playing with. Filtering is my most concern. Those dangers increase with beginners. We’re not running laboratory open head remediation columns. We’re on a whole different ball game in industrial processing.
I wish people would master there hydrocarbon system in cryo and come back to CRC with a better understanding on operating the machinery to get better results. I feel people use crc as a crutch and don’t know there system inside and out. Another suggestion. send the hydrocarbon extraction to a pressure vessel and start feeding the the crc as a separate process. Unless clear is make it or break it. use fresh trim and get some gold back in your life.