What's avg pricing for d8 & d9?

More money doesn’t equal more safety. It just creates the illusion of quality.


So now it’s not actually 3k a L?
You wouldnt catch me smoking disty either way
I think it all sucks and is all made from trash


Pickle man !!! Lol how are you? How’s my account looking? :sunglasses:

I trust the camp I grabbed it from…but maybe I’ll find another spot and get it tested see if checks out.

I know the camp I grabbed it from…since 2017 I think …always official coa / assay

Dang sure doesn’t hurt my throat.

Lol I only got 100 grams of it. And it was only purple on the top.

Ppl that sell distillate hating on the converted stuff… Nah I mean if something isn’t right about it I dang sure won’t sell it.

I value your opinion…I was just teasing. I appreciate your input.

The picture above of your purple mason jar and purple cart tell a different story.


My converted d9 is quite a bit lighter in color than the conventional I have.


I 100% agree but I wasn’t saying just b/c it costs more it’s higher quality. It’s the camp I got it from is why I believe it to be so.

What makes it higher quality lol. Besides delusions


Its less than 3k like 2.2 I think or 2.5 I don’t remember…I’m not grabbing a liter though…not yet anyway. I’m pondering on starting a vape line w it. Legal, high demand…figured Id start a line. Highest quality mixed with real CDT.

But IF something is wrong about em I don’t want to…

Lol I used to be on the same vibe…I still value other concentrates way above distillate. MOST distillate is ofcourse made from trash. But not all is.

All disty is made from trash.
Nobody is putting dank into a still


All distillate should be made from trash. If not your wasting good material.


Getting big custy vibes from this thread.
I think you got sold


I don’t know what you mean…what tells a diff story? …“lol”
Your normally not very funny. Elbow nudge. So clue me in…I want to laugh to. “Lol” to what?

When you say lighter you mean water clear yes?

I wasn’t joking …I do value your opinion. I know your the distillate smoking kang round here.

:smirk: I’m not saying it’s dank … It’s HEMP d9. But just b/c it’s not dank indoor doesn’t meant it’s not high quality.

What I think makes it good is it’s good HEMP d9 and I’m adding high quality CDT to it.

I’d much rather make thca diamond vapes or solventless vapes…but these are legal and the demand is high. Idk.

I once said in the past adding real CDT to distillate is like adding diamonds to bronze. But I’m changing my mind lately. Idk the buzz is really nice. Lol

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That part

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I didn’t realize you were so cool fella :sunglasses: my bad. Big time business man over here.

In a hyper annoying super cool guy monotone voice:

"I’m so cool, ewww is that some custy talking BIG CUSTY VIBES …smh no one is as cool as me. "

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Ok guy lol

Sorry you’re too stupid to read?
That converted hemp must be getting to your head

Keep getting sold essentially free converted purple disty and thinking it’s good lol. The real ones know what’s up lol


Pink is absolutely PH related. Not necessarily a conversion, you’d need to test the minor cannabinoids to know that, but often times it’s as simple as the CRC process. Acid activated filter media and moisture is a common culprit for pink hues.

Amber/brown layer on the surface are typical to natural oxidation particularly in extremely high purity distillates without anything remaining to slow this process. Many of the pigmented compounds you remove for CBD isolate or water clear distillate are the resin’s natural antioxidants. Extremely pure compounds just don’t always have the same stability when heat/oxygen are involved. That’s why reintroducing a small percentage of a full spectrum extract, not just terpenes, can help keep a glowing color.

Distillate is just ideal because you have every method of remediation at your disposal. There’s really no reason anyone would ever use anything other than their lowest grade bio for distillate nowadays. Not as long as people will pay a premium for dabs. You wouldn’t grind up steak for a hot dog.


Cmon now this guy knows everything already and his stuff was made from fire cuz some wook er I mean chemist in his “camp” told him it was. The purple is actually just from the grand daddy purp strain. Kinda like purple rosin water :joy:


For real though, if you paid more than 1k for a L of HEMP d9 as you put it, conversion product, you got custied.


You can’t tell a custy he’s a custy. They never believe it for some reason. A custy gunna custy what can I say