What temp to distill EtoH for yellow?

@TheLostBiologist has a tek on golden ethanol shatter- search bar time my dude.


You could try and run deep vacuum and a real cold condenser and you might have some success on better color? Keep the evap temp around 30 or something

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@Roguelab what type of crc are you doing.

This one too dark for you? It was slow and lazy at - 20 deep freeze temp, just to see how dark it would be, but ethanol crc took care of the green from those warm Temps easy enough.
Rotoed @35c

I second what @Rowan said. That Tek is worth the time to read thoroughly and make adjustments to your SOPs. Worked really well for me! I was able to scale it nicely.

Edit: Forgot to answer the question. Haha. We used to run at 30 or 35C. It always darkened from the tincture color, which was nearly water clear, but ended up just where it needed to be. Pre-warming your tincture and only feeding the roto as much as it is evaporating can also help too. That’ll reduce residence time at temp and speed up the process as a whole.


Actually ethanol crc should just be called lost biologist tek cause really his filter cake works the best for me out of what I’ve tried so far. That’s if your goal is ethanol shatter


@puccinia can you elaborate for me the ethanol crc?

Really just used @TheLostBiologist’s tek. But if you skip his quick wash, have dark green solution, then it becomes ethanol crcwhen you filter


Search bar.



I tried it with d.e. and coconut derrived a.c. got the color out and when I rotovap it i get a red concentrate.

My probIem is ,I have golden mixtures coming out dark brown after rotovap.

Roto bath at what temp ?

Usually 70°C.

That’s the reason of darkening really need to keep evaporation temps low
But that will mean
Chiller main condenser at around -10 C
Receiving flask cooled to 0C
And coldtrap around -40 C
On the roto


Thank you. I was curious of I should’ve been following the rule of halfs and going 35°C. So basically by being up at 70°C I was creating RSO.

Maybe try switching to hardwood AC. From what I understand, it works better for color remediation.


30c/30c was the golden area no pun intended

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We do 30-35c. If your vac is deep it will still crank nice and fast

are we talking slab color or bulk crude color?
Ive never seen material push out golden bulk crude color from just a cold ethanol and slow roto. So if your expecting your golden yellow tincture to condense down to a golden yellow bulk crude, its probably not likely. I have to crc to be able to get yellow golden bulk crude, comes out almost clear slabbed up and the tincture was almost clear with just a hint of yellow


Is your CRC done in ethanol or a non polar solvent?

Heptane or pentane, ethanol only works with scruubbing imo
I use heptane for material destined for distillation and penatane for material destined for crystallization. Simply because heptane is cheaper and i do majority distillation and pentane allows u to play with temperature swings much easier when crystallizing.
I dont scrub anymore, i like continous feed and minimal high temp teks when it comes to post processing, to minimize conversions