What stocks (canna or not) do you hold or any investments for that matter?

Yes, I know there’s quite a bit of interest from them towards the US. Read that article from 2018, and look at how every one of those companies has fared since then. Right now their targets are either CBD, or IL, PA, FL - all states with high entry costs. Out of 10 I’ve recently talked to, 2 are willing to actually put down cash for US acquisitions. The rest are looking for either all stock acquisitions, or “JVs” where they don’t put down any cash. Right now Cronos is the only one that has the cash to make a big splash in the US.

The top tier MSOs now have a favorable enough cost of capital that they can quickly get funding for acquisitions, and they’re actually close to profitable enough that taking their stock is low risk relative to LPs.

just bought more airline stock this morning… American looks like a nice bet when travel opens back up. Pays dividents…trading under the lowest price in the last 7 years…

Every week im putting about $1500-2000 in blue chip stocks trading well below their lowest stock prices.

This week is certainly American.


Been a good few weeks if you got the right investment’s.


a lot of the stocks i bought in March are up about double now… all blue chip stocks that i use all the time. I only really like to invest in companies i use…


Up 10.59% on OGI since 11/23/2020
Up 5.78% on HEXO since this mornings purchase 11/30/2020

Going to hold onto these for awhile and see how high they go. Unless they start to drop hard, then I’ll cut my losses and take profits

I’m getting pretty good at reading charts and indicators. If i spot a bottom price with a chart that shows strong support at current levels that’s curling up, I buy in and ride the wave.

I get out at 20-30% because it seems stocks like to correct themselves around that price. Then I buy back In on higher supports.

Rarely have to do DD like I used to because I’m getting so good at charting. so much money to be made flipping equities rather than packs lol

Makes 2 of us. :100:


Apple up almost 4% today. That’s where I keep most of my eggs. It’s up about 8% since the last time I posted in this thread about buying Apple. Lol.


The only shares I own outside of some gold mining ETFs

Got my first dividends! On my way to exponential growth lol


i just keep riding aapl splits. I buy it at 90-120… And just hold… Let it climb… Split… And then i buy more…

apple dividents are on the low end. IBM is a nice historical high paying divident stock. Exxon-mobil but i really dont trust oil stocks right now with electric cars on the brink of popularity.

This sounded EXACTLY like me in my 30s. Now i just buy what i wanna hold for what i like to say “forever”. Using a strategy like what u mentioned… I bought into Facebook at $36…Sold at like $50… Now kicking myself. Netflix at like $80. Microsoft at $26, paypal and ebay in the teens. AMD, sony, and the list goes on which i lost all the upside on these stocks… if i would have just held them 10 years…

I probably would have instead of turning 10 to 80K over 6 years… Turned 10 to probably millions if i would have just kept it all in those stocks over the 15 years. Now im looking for that upside… These are all super long term investment for me. If im buying stock im planning on keeping for at least 10 years unless something major happens.


That demand will shift to the electrical grid. Any Blue Chips in that sector excite you?


Not a blue chip but MP is a gem for the next wave of energy

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Shit, I always find I sell too early because of profit taking before I lose my gains.

But my goal is to make at least 1 trade a day, gain or lose money, determine why the trade resulted in the way it did and learn from it.

My account was down about 20% for 6 months. Now it’s up 48% in the past month.
it feels like walking around in the dark when you first start. And each successful trade is a flicker of light in the right direction. Every losing trade is a bump into furniture. And when you finally reach that light, you realize it was a flashlight, and you can now see what you’ve been bumping into this whole time.

Feels good to finally be making successful trades instead of hype jumping and FOMO buying.

I made a recovery index of all the blue chips I believe will have tremendous recovery’s. 3-4 from each sector. can’t wait to buy those for a 10 year hold. FSR is the newest edition to the list


Quick update,

OGI up 14% since buying on 11/24/2020

HEXO up 25% since buying this morning 11/30/2020.

I agree with blue chips for long term investing. But there is too much opportunity in the market to not be flipping stocks once or twice a day for 10% or better gains per day. do that 10 days straight and you doubled your buying power. it would take months if not years for a blue chip to have the same growth

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but what are you putting into these. i dont like the down sides of stocks. i buy them low and will hold them till they rebound or go bankrupt and i can write the losses off. Only stock i can think of in the last 15 years i took a loss on was wet seal… Not pink or cannabis stocks


HEXO= 10.38% of my portfolio today
OGI = 5.43% of my portfolio today

I swing trade, so I sell every few days and repurchase stocks that have dipped for nice low risk gains.

ever stock in my portfolio was down today except apple but i was still positive for the day


You have to weight your risk vs reward.

I ONLY buy low risk high/medium reward potential.

Eyeballing nikola for a Friday purchase after short sellers have their way with it and it loses another 20%. Then I’ll ride it up once it hits my support and resistance lines and begins to form an upward trendline.

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Out of 7 stocks only 2 were red.

One was my baby FSR at -5.55%
One was BYFC at -6.11%

My other 5 greens made up for the loss for the most part, despite FSR being my largest holding only down 0.22% on t he reddest day in awhile.

Less then $5 down today but I did sell off two large holdings at 33-35% each. So my portfolio was 50% liquid today

Update: After hours closed at 5pm PST and I made another 11%:moneybag:

Also no longer RED. Closed the day out 0.63% on a red day :+1:t4:

Fuck citron

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