What qualifies somebody as a Psychedelic/mushroom expert/leader?

It might just be me but most of these people on the panels are either failed cannabis folks or air heads who know nothing other then “it changes lives”


What I find interesting is they can run ads on FB and Instagram for Ketamine.
Studies, Therapies, Get-a-ways lol

Meanwhile, your legitimate cannabis business can’t.


In the rules they say it can be indoors or outdoors, I imagine someone buying up all the old YMCA camps…


Shameless plug for firesideproject.org which is a free, peer to peer psychedelic support app. Download it before you need it.


Sounds like you’re thinking of mono and di
Tomentose and rhizomorphic are just different growth characteristics of dikaryotic mycelium.
I can’t speak for the kits but

A monokaryotic mycelium can bind to another monokaryotic to form dikaryotic mycelium.
A monokaryotic can also bind to a dikaryotic to form a dedikaryotic mycelium.
Dikaryotic cannot bind to another dikaryotic.

Both dikaryotic and dedikaryotic mycelium can produce either tomentose or rhizomorphic mycelium and fruitbodies.
Monokaryotic cannot fruit and will always look like a whispy tomentose mycelium.

Intraspecies hybridization (think variety or strain) is pretty straightforward via Serial dilution for monokaryotes then adding both to a dish and taking from the meeting points (slow traditional) or by swabbing 2 fresh fruits and dunking on agar (faster method but requires 2 fruits to be sporulating at similar times)

Both methods take time, the swab method just lets you work with dikaryotic mycelium faster since you don’t have to spend anytime trying to get mono’s. The first generation will be unstable, weird, and low yield but should have a few phenotypes to pursue. Then many generations of fruiting, taking spores from fruits that resemble the desired pheno, and repeating to stabilizing the genetics until you can (semi) consistently get the spores to produce your desired phenotype.

Interspecies hybridization can be done but both species have to be pretty similar on a genetic level and usually requires denaturing of the cells to expose the protoplasts to allow somatic fusion between protoplast and the dna. (Basically mixing serial dilution with a unlikely cross and some extra ingredients)

Then there’s the dna manipulation stuff which I’m not versed on


Sorry for the myco nerd ramble, shits hard to explain while not writing paragraphs. Hope that helped

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Paul Stamets, research his research, anyone that’s a actual expert in this tend to be former users of psychedelics but have the credentials to research them at state funded facilities. At that point they have to stop talking about their recent experiences and usually don’t reference past. So unless they’re a big swinging dick like him or the dude with dmt rick stroud? they aren’t running down front street sharing personal experiences or they will lose the funding. So I don’t think you’re going to find anyone with data that’s not a dr or scientist.

It’s called grateful dead, power down cell phone, and lock your doors from potential intruders and that’s your tripsitter. Last thing you want is a person not tripping around you while you’re tripping, I saw a Russian in person melt a white hillbillies ass then tell him he was a Russian spy and the next day the hillbilly left town and I’ve never seen him again since I left the scene where he was on the ground in the fetal position crying yelling for the Russian to stop talking. That was a fucked up scene.

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That shits a real weapon lol

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True story. I saw lsd weaponized and the Russian kept looking at me going, I see why you use this in a Russian accent, and that’s not how I’ve ever used any drug lol it was like seeing the other side of the curtain. This psychedelic resurgence is going to lead to some weird shit. People are going to melt people’s minds lol