What is this and how is it made “ice caps”

Fixed that for yah


Help a brotha out

i checked hemp outlet all the dudes are trying to move a damn kilo as MOQ for first order. kinda lame. i’m looking for something for 500 buck. i’m not dropping on a kilo before i even know how it sells with my peepls. I mean I know an ounce is small fry but seriously? transactions only worth y’all’s time if it’s in the 4 digits huh?

i did have one guy contact me about a cbd / thca blend which is very interesting and costs much less of course . not sure how to feel about it tho

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Kilo of CBD is like $100-300
Kilo of D8 is like $250-500
Kilo of d9 is like $400-1000

Do you want 1000 grams to make profit?

Because nobody here has time for oz buys. You buy those at retail full MSRP off websites. This is where you buy inventory to start your website selling Oz’s.

No risk. No reward.


so i’m expected to drop 1000 bucks on the first order from a supplier that i’ve never done business with , that lives in my same country , on a product we’ve don’t have any data on as far as sellability and demand in our local market . sounds like a great way for me to potentially lose money and someone else to make shit loads with zero risk on their end (since we are talking risk and reward now)


Yeah, that’s exactly how Wholesale works.
It has a Minimum order quantity. Usually at the Kilo point. Many here have minimums of 10 Kilos.

This is business to business sales.

B2B with the random occasional retail buyer/sales. You can visit everyone’s websites and shop for your budget.

If you want the best price you aim for Wholesale/Distribution moqs.

Welcome to why hemp and Cannabiz is still shady AF. It’s who you know. Reputable sales can be found here. Good business can be made.


not from my experiance , no. that’s how lazy wholesaling works. i’m gonna need a little bit more of a song and dance before i send someone 1000$ . many people would be happy to entertain me for 500 easy bucks but i guess y’all are just going after bigger buys with no expectations, kinda limits your business a lot if you aren’t even willing to send a 500$ sample to build trust

How much in that $1000 do you think is profit today?
For them? Lmao. Saying I have $1000 who wants to earn my money, you came to the wrong pond. Nobody here is begging to make a sale. You can order a sample retail product and then moq earn their wholesale business.


i’m not saying you are wrong , but good business practice considers all parties and their needs , not just shuffle out as much product as possible with zero wiggle room for a potential client. i guess i just don’t have enough cash right now … it’s either buy at retail or buy 10 kilos. lmao

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Your needs are you want to try before you blow your budget.

So buy a retail priced product to sample off their website.
If it shows and is what you want, order from them wholesale.

Now you paid a pinch more but have your satisfaction met.

wouldn’t be worth the money at that level. i need a middle guy.

Good luck. If you can’t buy a retail product to sample, but you can only afford a kilo or less. How do you expect someone to bend over backwards for you?


you don’t think even a kilo is worth someone’s time here? you guys must be rolling in it for real .

I think a kilo is worth it for everyone here but you not willing to buy without a sample and not buy your own sample is where I’m getting the disconnect

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i’m using sample loosely . aka a one time expectation buy under MOQ… like you said i need around a kilo. not 5-20 grams or 10 kilos. but apparently that guy doesn’t exist here

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You can buy under moq but you’re not going to get the same price. They all have websites you can buy lesser amounts. Find something you like. Then order wholesale.

last 3 guys that dm me never dropped their site . it’s all direct

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Yeah, and many are more traditional in the sense they don’t need a website. They just are good business and have people vouch for them.

Plenty here have ads up with websites…

any word on @GJLConsulting ?


They have no ads up. Whatsoever. No topics made. Only replies. Chances are they have little history.

I’d give them some time to establish a hemp slanger badge.

Also: not a guarantee but better than nothing, in general hemp slangers can be trusted better than a random with no history in your inbox.