What is this and how is it made “ice caps”

Some money comes with too many strings attached for too little profit.


Time is money and the less that is sold = the more time I have to spend selling it, its like the saying if you raise your prices by 50% you will only sell half as much… but make the same amount of money and spend less time while doing it

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I’m really not asking much here, at all, if nobody can sell me thc an isolate for 500$ for a first order then that’s what it is .

THCA isolate for $500? That may get you like a 50-100g order
Plenty of websites I’m sure. I’m not following those prices

Basically you can get 1-3 oz maybe

which is all that is needed to pump a couple oz of “ice caps” to break into 3.5 bags and gauge how they sell.

what i’m reading here is there’s literally no good reason i should test run at a larger scale besides, well we don’t want to deal with you.


Sounds about right


Weird they don’t have it on their website anymore.

Got everything else under the cannabinoid rainbow

Prices just went back to the trap

You want a 50g sample?


maybe someone will come along, read this , want to make a 500$ order and will contact me . i will take your advice and take my business off the dms and forum because my kind isn’t worthy to do biz with i guess lol

@qma is making more bucks than most of these no name hemp “slangers” on this forum and he deals with 150$ orders without a peep because he isn’t stupid and understands money is money. and it adds up. but continue your self righteous business models.

ever wonder how these youtube streamers make millions of dollars? they stack 1-5$ donations constantly . and tiny ad clicks. and guess what, it actually added to a large sum of money that was worth their time in the end

same thing with planet fitness business model. stack as many 10$ monthly members as possible , they are shitting on all the hardcore gyms charging 50 a month .

I understand you’re a retail customer and you need a 50-100g order. I think looking at the websites available here you may find that solution.


you don’t have one good rebuttal other than it isn’t enough to make you get off your ass . which is a very poor and one sided arguement. I’ll wait for you to address my points i made and see if you can make sense of it instead of just calling me me poor

:joy::joy::joy::joy: I love this thread


He did, though. You’re a retail customer looking for retail prices and quantity.


he seemed to miss the entire point ai made about @qma snd how successful he is with dealing with smaller orders. I’m waiting for the response.

surely most of these operations don’t even touch his yet he has zero problem working with whatever money you got. because, it adds up.

I’m sure everyone is happy to fill orders that are retail. If they offer retail priced products. I don’t follow cart farmers $150 sales so I’m not following. Does he sell THCA isolate? Then why not buy from him 3 $150 orders and save the $50?

I need another dab.


That’s not the point i’m making. z you guys came in and basically told me it’s not worth peoples time to deal with a “500$ customer” and only care about the “50,000$” customer . and i’m trying to explain to you it is actually worth the time and effort to obtain a larger market . But what does planet fitness , cart farm , or anyone else know right? those customers aren’t even worth talking to right guys!

I said it’s not worth most people’s time here because they’re wholesalers and distribution level. You can always visit their retail websites.


$20 sample you can grind up to isolate yourself. Advertised here.

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i will take a look

I deal with labs that make 80-100kg of THCa weekly, at 5 a g a $500 sale to you(100gs ) is 100/100,000 or simplified 1/1000 of the weekly output can you explain how it would make sense for those labs to sell that THCa at the same price they do for 10kg which is 1/10 of their weekly out put?
That’s like asking the old school plug how much the pound is and then saying you want the 1/8 at the same price point
Also ive found that meme I posted to be extremely accurate, any big sale I’ve been involved in has been very little leg work easy pz.
Custy: I want x
Seller: the price for x is y
Custy: what’s your wire info


whatever, still no legitimate rebuttles to my points about how dealing with cheaper amounts is actually a successful business model, esepcially in this crappy market . it’s not much, but it all addds up at the end of the year and it’s working for many business models 300x the size of any of your guys labs, i’m sorry