L2L? Show a pic of “pretty dark”
Yeah, L2L, pretty bad pic but this is the first slab that came out. Strain is rockstar. We ran our extraction too warm. Just want to get rid of it ASAP to pay out the farmer.
Nobody is buying that. Hate to be the guy to tell you
eh, people been buying fairly dark stuff for $5-6/g there’s a decent amount of brands putting out $19/g in retail that look like that.
I agree m, that’s going to be tough to move, maybe try to refine it a bit
Yeah, your best bet is to crc that chit. I wouldn’t pay more than $3 for that.
redissolve it in butane and run through a CRC
Only if it has a decent smell otherwise it’s not worth it.
Quality l2l extracts are as cheap as ever.
Was from solid input fresh frozen. Good nose and taste. Terpene profile is there, works perfect in pre-rolls. Which is why I don’t want to crc it.
Well you got your answer. I doubt its like that from running warm as i ran warm for years and still produced gold.
You honestly need to crc. Even if it had a nose i still wouldnt touch that. As it sits right now thats considered crude imo
As in adding extract to prerolls? Sure.
My guess is your solvent is wet. Tell me about your molsieves.
I had a full compliance done, showed an amount of butane that was just barely over LoD. Mol sieves doing them standard, filter with screen gasket, end cap and spool with beads. This was our only run that turned out like this, and it just so happens the temp gauge was broken. Tastes great still, just decided to slab it out because I figured that’d be the best thing to do with something that dark.
Not sure I understand the relevance. Testing your extract won’t tell you if there is water in your solvent. Which is what I mean when I say your solvent is wet. It’s a guess, but an educated one.
Another guess might be that your material thawed before or during extraction. Which would lead to wet solvent and access to cellular contents we usually try to avoid.
How often do you regenerate? Which flavor of beads? Have you ever tested them?
So runs after this are ok?
Best guess for solvent temp on this run?!?
One of our guys was saying the solvent smelled off, we flushed it and the next run turned out like this off of light dep trim
So you flushed the questionable solvent, and it worked next time?!?
Certainly consistent with my hypothesis.
Again: tell me about your sieves
Which license in Cali are you I may be able to assist, There’s plenty to be done with this, but I honestly suggest if you’d like a quick turn around from this for the most bang for the buck, crc it or distill it or mine the thca out then sell out, as is, it’s a crude that was slabbed out. No refinement means undesirables
I put them in full vac overnight at the end of the day but don’t leave the heat on. Not sure what you mean by what flavor? Test wise they work fine, havent had a problem but now that you mention it, the yield on the aforementioned run was a little lower than anticipated as well.
Molecular sieve beads 3A, 4A,13x?!?
Test them!!