This is a problem that has been bothering me for a long time, may I ask who has the easiest answer to understand? Thanks so much.
Thank you so much, it is so vivid to explain with your pictures
It’s a funny meme, but it’s not accurate.
I suggest reading through the thread I linked.
there is no Indica or Sativa…only Saliva
In my opinion, those words should only be used when describing the Plant. As in the structure or the growth, climate tolerance etc.
All this “sativa makes energetic, indca gets me sleepy and hybrids is both of best worlds” bull shit aint true. When i used to slang, people would be excited to ask for an indica or sativa(since they found out about the words) and i would give them whatver the fuck i had. “Oh you want sativa? I got you, oh indica? I got you” all being the same strain and then i get comments like “oh man that shit helped me focus” or “oh man that shit helped me sleep” lmao fucking bull shit. Its all in the terps man, youll get high regardless. Obviously high faster with higher percentages.
But idk, wtf do you guys think?
I always felt the same way when people say they get different highs.
Like wtf BS article you read that from? I bet the guy who wrote it don’t even smoke weed
There wouldnt be so many haze afficianados if it were all the same. I’ve smoked a speedy haze with people without telling them first what it was, and then seen them start tapping their fingers and displaying other signs of nervous energy. It’s also very apparent when making dry sift from specific strains, probably other extracts too. When I’ve had enough if an indica dominant variety, I forget what I’m doing. With a sativa strain, I quit smoking when I wander off to do something else.
opens can of worms
never liked the indica sativa naming. i like wide leaf
skinny leaf to describe a plant. so the question was
the difference. a indica # Wide leaf has big wide leafs
and close internodes . a sativa # thin leaf has long skinny
leafs and longer internodes. mostly has more fronds on
there leafs also. a hybrid is a crossing of two plants. can
be indica x sativa or a mish mash of other plants.
mostly wide leaf plants are non tropical. thin leaf plants are
more tropical. it is very adaptable plant. if you take a wide
leaf plant to tropics the leafs will get thinner. as it fits in to
a new environment. same with a thin leaf plant to non tropical
it’s leafs will widen to there new environment. this is outdoor.
indoor growers can copy different environments.
so funny
They are marketing hype.
Are humans who were born, evolved and raised in different parts of the world the same? This is Basic Darwinisim, the issue with the current market is that almost everything is a hybrid so using terms like sativa and indica no longer is accurate and why terms like Landrace and Heirloom have effectively replaced them
I agree and would like to add that some terpene profiles are only present in sativa especially the trainwreck, durban, jack varietals. So its still up for translation depending on the individual bodies response. It was normal with gianttrainwreck(salmoncreek) for people to ask if the weed was laced and say they felt way higher than normal resulting in paranoia. Some peple just react differently.
Right, I agree.
Can we just agree we love cannabis in its entirety?
Tbh I agree with the buddy on that one. I always say these new strains have so much fucking inbreeding it’s like a family made out of cousins who fucked in the Dollar General parking lot for the last 20 years
obligatory meme:
these days with the legal market being the way that it is there arent really too many true sativas or true indicas out there. most are genetically crossed to allow for maximum potency as well as yeild which typically needs a bit of both sides of the coin. originally they stem from different geographical locations that create specific terpene, cannabinoid, and growth patterns. sativas come from more equatorial/ tropical regions that are typically lower in altitude and get longer days of sun which allows for big lofty plants with thinner leaves and indicas originate from regions north and south of the equator in higher altitude ranges that get less sun… hence the darker broader leaves and shorter stature… the terpenes produced depend on the insect predators its trying to repel, and pollinators its trying to attract, within each region.
Cousin cookies , lol rollin