What happened to the willbilly tek thread?

Wow. Just wow. Fucking foul shit. That’s not how open information works. Grow up.


Don’t really care :man_shrugging:

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The thread Is back

Thank you to the mods


Edit: I’ll move my post to the main topic.

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Read this, get back to me

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Can’t tell you what happened to the thread…but I can say what will happen to the Chilli P crystals @TheWillBilly is cooking up: The Streisand Effect


This seems wrong. Only the thread starter and mods/admin should have that power. Otherwise, why have mods at all?

I tell you what, the lame ass shit @TheWillBilly just pulled trying to hide that thread is what will take this forum down. I can see lots of people just moving or modifying threads they don’t like…not cool.


We know…and you’re a cool dude in your mind I’m sure. Super cool of you to eff with someone else’s thread.

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If you read it, I dont want to put words in your mouth but you are talking about the ability for higher levels to rename and move topics other categories?

As you saw, this caused a big ripple. A ton of other platforms simply remove content entirely, we do not (unless it’s blatant spam). Often letting the users or crazy mods do it at will. We prefer to move things to the correct category, which usually means the correct classifieds section or possibly EC entirely. @trust_level_3 and @trust_level_4 should know to not move threads from public. You can see the issue was immediately corrected.
Checkout our user levels and you’ll see its <100 users taking care of thousands, things slip up here and there.

p.s. all the love for contributors and people who cause interest like @TheWillBilly, I am sure he can attest to a handful of DMs about it.


Yeah, exactly. No one should have that ability other than mods/admins and the thread starter. Otherwise it’s just asking to be abused like @TheWillBilly just did.

Then punish him.

I see your point. But, why do you let him fuck with the system (take advantage of it) without any punishment? What’s to stop him from doing it again?

I think if someone abuses that feature they should get demoted to a lower user level as punishment.

Yeah this is what we do, we just start with a warning. Other than this @TheWillBilly hasn’t been a problem member. No need for the witch hunt.


Glad to see there are repercussions for repeat offenders. But, in this case I think one offense is enough.

Thanks sidco for all your hard work!

this is no different than Facebook censorship honestly

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Facebook removes things entirely, never to be seen again, than bans the user.
Trolling me eh?


@sidco I just want to say I think you’re a shining light on this forum and I truly hope we get to meet one day :pray:


You do have the hardest job here and I feel you keep it pretty damn fair.

Thank you.


Here is the link to the thread that seems to work for me. I started the thread but I didn’t change the name or move it or anything, someone else did that.

It was moved to a @trust_level_3 category, then moved back shortly after since that is not standard practice here. All is well.


Tbh i was kind of glad it disapeared. Got tired of the drama on the thread. Sad to say couldnt resist following it :sweat_smile: