What do you LOVE or HATE most about your job?

…dude. what?

So lost.


I love the freedom my job has afforded me. I really own most of my time these days. It’s nice going into the office at 1pm working till like 4 and be done with the day to do what I want.

I also like that is perfectly normal for me to be smoking weed and oil all day and people can’t really chastise me for it in the cannabis industry.

The people I’ve grown close to are like some of my brothers now. I’ve got some really close friends from the forum.

The only negative is the fake people that pretend to be your friends and talk shit behind your back. People wishing on your downfall. I’ve never met more fake people than in the legal side of this industry. At least with criminals, I knew where I stood. It’s really the only shitty part of my job.

I really love what I do. I was born to do this exact job. For a major weed head, what job is better than talking and chopping it up with fellow weed heads for a job. Really does it get much better!!


I hate the weed stank on my clothes coming out of the dryer


I love all the stuff that @Killa12345 said.

What I hate about the industry is tracking pictures. Nothing more annoying than squinting at my phone while typing character by character into another phone


I love inhaling polyaspartic is why

Hate the flakes love the steaks :cut_of_meat: iykyk :rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::rainbow::mushroom::mushroom::mushroom::mushroom::call_me_hand::call_me_hand::call_me_hand::call_me_hand::beers::beers::beers::beers:


I love it all. The good and the bad. I’ll be around no matter what.


variance, I took on poker as a job. no cannabis. but I was crushing it and then lost a bunch quick. at the same time the fucking stock market is stealing my money. I havent even lost at poker but havent made enough to pay the hotel rent. the market is crushing me though.

I don’t work in cannabis, but what I love about my job could apply to anywhere. I work in construction management.

I love the people. All walks of life, willing to teach others, and work together to overcome what seems like insurmountable obstacles.

I love building something massive in scale: seeing it grow overtime, and knowing that thousands of people each contributed their part to make it happen.

I dislike when the divisions of the company act as separate entities, putting their own priorities ahead of those of the entire business. I dislike when people’s egos get in the way of collaboration.

I dislike waking up at 4 every morning.


Still getting used to that. I don’t mind it though

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Learning from intelligent people that have different experiences, training, and/or professional backgrounds than myself. I also love trying to solve big, complex, challenging problems, and succeeding in the nascent legalized cannabis industry is most certainly that.

Dispensaries that don’t pay their invoices. That shit is fucking lame.


Learning something new everyday is what I love!
The people I have met along the way also!
Love going to work, and being with the team!
Love this forum!

Hate the fakes and the liars, the people only in it for the money, the ones who will mislead you, or give no direction at all.

Hate metrc, it’s boring and repetitive…
Hate new rules and regulations adding more and more to the already complicated tasks.


Love getting to play everyday. favorite game?

Red light? Green light? HASH!

It puts the Cannabis in the tube, & then it walks away again


Love the chaos and the constant problem solving

HATE: the people…. No single industry has as many shitty humans then our industry. I love many of them. But more then not, they are sad people and want to penetrate your pooper just to make themselves an extra $0.50 a unit ….


What’s wrong with not being trusting? A perfect world is trustless and confirmable

Love: Making money making drugs

Hate: Filling out Master Batch Records (soooo overly tedious) and having production days halted because someone in QA forgot to complete paperwork upstream.


Love the freedom. Love the memes. Love the adventure. Not a dull moment in the last decade. Love being proud of what I do everyday. Knowing by the end of my life many many people will have been positively affected by my work brings me peace.

hate the haters, snakes, fakes, chads, old turds, crabs in a bucket, us vs them, copy cats, gurus, influencers, noob flood, culture vulture carpet baggers, celebrity brands, overregulation

all in all 10/10 would recommend


Let me edit word to “actively tries to violate butthole” I was trying to be polite when I said untrusting” lmfao

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I used to have this job where every time you’d bend over you’d get a thumb in the butt through your pants.

Like 10 times a day for months

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The word you were looking for was untrustworthy lol