I know y’all hate me spreading doom and gloom on your money trees, but unfortunately for you, this is real and I am still laughing at you for thinking it would last.
Delta-8 is now “weed light”
I know y’all hate me spreading doom and gloom on your money trees, but unfortunately for you, this is real and I am still laughing at you for thinking it would last.
Delta-8 is now “weed light”
Beat ya to it lol
I need 10,000 signatures on a petition to change D8 from “Weed Light” to “Diet Weed” please.
Diet weed implies that it’s healthy
Shit, you’re right.
Edit: Wait, screw that nobody thinks “Diet Pills” are healthy lmao
Well, it’s clickbait now!
That means that the whole of the front page can be filled with links to articles about “weed light”
Yeah, this is the third post now about it haha. It’s on everyone’s feed I guess
That’s the point though, people were lead to believe that they were, and then they were not - that’s how we got DSHEA
So what’s everyone guess when things go south?
I say under a year and this will be k2 2.0
Not even that long. 6 months would surprise me.
The shit did happen pretty fast with k2, I remember they just kept changing the chemicals used, but it was about a year for that fiasco. That’s why I say a year.
Yeah. I think this will go much smoother.
I think the real question is whether or not CBD becomes a controlled precursor after all this
I made this point a while back. States aren’t going to allow hemp if they see it being used for d8.
Not true
Utah was gonna banned d8 and Steve lobbied and got them to change the law
He even sent me the revised bill
Ok… That really has nothing to do with my point. States decisions when they’re getting bad press will not necessarily follow their decisions when it was basically unknown.
It 100% has to do with your point
Utah was going to banned d8 and didn’t after lobbying
Say what you want but there’s gonna he places where it’s legal, the dea isn’t going to be able to schedule it as a schedule 1 without changing the definition of hemp and with legalization on the horizon it won’t be long before it won’t even matter
Literally could change their minds tomorrow and do an emergency legislative session.
Hell, congress could pass a new farm bill saying “all isomers, except d8”. They just need to want to.
To change the definition of hemp they’d need both branches of congress, the president plus a judge since its Bill signed into effect
It’s not as easy for congress to change the definition as it is for states to outlaw it themselves
Yes, bills passed by congress must be signed by the president. I’ve watched “schoolhouse rock” lol. I don’t see why you think that will be hard.