Can anyone recommend a good viscometer ?
What’s your need? You can use a graduated cylinder (or a long glass tube) , ball bearing and a stopwatch if to want to go the cheap route
might be something useful here.
don’t remember…too lazy to read it again.
Brookfield is the gold standard
One of the issues with viscosity measurements is precisely controlling the temperature. THC oil seems to have a low viscosity index which means its viscosity is greatly affected by temp. Brookfield viscometers spin a metal rod in the oil and measure the resistance to give you dynamic viscosity. The only issue is picking a temp that is good for a range of oil viscosity and keeping it exactly there for every oil measured. Try the Brookfield DVE Low Cost Digital Viscometer or if you really want to get fancy and measure very accurate kinematic viscosity go for the RheoSense H-100-2 Viscometer. With kinematic viscosity, the density of the oil is taken into consideration which also may be temp dependent so it is a clearer picture of how the oil behaves.
Yup that’s a good point. I would actually recommend the brookfield temperature control module. I didn’t get it and i wish i had.