Video codec .MOV file failing in firefox and chrome when not MP4 encoded

He just wants to see the kinky hose I posted…:shushing_face:

…and kinky hose seems like they could get all sorts of folks in trouble…so it would be nice if all could view, rather than just hear their tortured cries.


Alright, looks like .mov files have multiple encodings, firefox and chrome assume mp4 and when it’s not, it fails. I will look into a way to automatically renencode the videos.
I just did this one manually as a test. If it works @cyclopath should replace it.

7 Likes - usually works for the mobile / online people. Otherwise ffmpeg.

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I’ll just confirm that I also have major issues loading videos. I’d say I see maybe 5-10% of the video but always the audio.

Using android, chromebook, and windows comp on firefox FWIW.

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Not sure the expense is worth it? Compute time or otherwise

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Upload to IG. Delete. Upload reduced photo/video to Future… my cheap solution


A handful of the videos he uploaded are all in this format


@trust_level_4 want to convert these videos, reupload them by editing their post, and if these are new videos maybe we can change the recording format on their phone.
Reminder this isnt a forum problem but a browser incompatible with the recording format.


I got em all to work but 1…seems every video @Diamondalchemy is posting is coming up as mov. Not MP4.

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@Diamondalchemy have you tried changing your recording format / phone settings. If you let us know your phone type we can walk you through it. As of now Firefox and chrome wont play your uploads.

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I’m an ffmpeg connoisseur and if you have it installed - on this server or your local machine (I use homebrew on my mac) you can use this command and it will literally convert any video to mp4

ffmpeg -y -i ~/Desktop/path/to/input/ -c:v libx264 -strict -2 -movflags +faststart -loglevel quiet -threads 2 ~/Desktop/output.mp4 > /dev/null 2>&1

If you could magically run this on every video that gets uploaded, this would, I believe, solve the problem




I’m curious how many of you apple geeks hide in the shadows

Homebrew? Sounds like hackintosh

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I was/am working on a script, but swapping out the videos after conversion is my current hurdle. That is exactly the idea though

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So should we make a thread to ask other members if they see something screwed up or that’s clogging up the thread they could call attention to it

This forum works as fam.l bet if we made one ppl would start calling out the issues just a thought?
They could maybe tag trust level 4 s idk

I just fill like it clean up the place a lot faster with all the users that are already reading through threads. It’s just good service deed kinda thing

Site Feedback Thats what this category is for.


If you can execute a script after a video upload, you can use that one-liner above, but you have to output to a temp file, delete the original, then rename/move the temp to the original location. In php, you can execute shell commands like:

exec("timeout -s SIGKILL 60 ffmpeg -y -i " .  $originalVideoPath  . " -c:v libx264 -strict -2 -movflags +faststart -loglevel quiet -threads 2 " . $tempName . " > /dev/null 2>&1");

I copied and pasted this from a production app I have. So I also make use of “timeout -s SIGKILL 60” in the event it takes more than 60 seconds to process a video, it just kills the processing so it doesn’t run forever. If someone uploads a literal 4k movie, that will happen. The “-movflags +faststart” generates a preview thumbnail for the video if it doesn’t exist. You may have seen videos that are black frames with no preview, this fixes that. the -threads 2 limits amount of compute power to use, you don’t want 100% and then > /dev/null 2>&1 sends output to the trash instead of printing it.

And then after that runs, you can move, rename and delete the two videos accordingly using filexists() to see if a temp video was made.

Hope this helps, there may be drawbacks that prevent you from going this route.


I guess that’ll give me some reading to do

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I have an iPhone…it does what it wants. :person_shrugging:t4:


The amount of money you paid for that damn thing it should code the video on whatever codex you want! But apple… It only took 6 months owning the 4S when they first came out to help me realize that I hate apple, and their products. Like the iPad is the only thing I would ever buy, and only for artwork. They have great programs for those with artistic intent, but you can find that in most things these days…

Sorry, I just hate apple! I remember itunes trying to charge me to update an app… I sold the I phone the next day


Agreed took me about 5min I realized I don’t want iphone