Very clear bho shatter (Definitely scammed) !Warning to all hash lovers and makers!

Has anyone tasted their stuff? So we know It’s not just isolate redissolved in tane with added True Terpenes


No, I have not, and people raving about it does not mean youre not correct on that assumption…
@Waxplug1 how’s your clear stuff taste be honest please, as compared to regular shatter

I do have to say melting isolate down is a quick ish easy way to make it though, however lab results will tell once I get it sent off in a few days, I’d rather do that than use whatever unknown scrubbing/absorbing agent personally

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Not melting; but rather smash, dissolve in a large volume of tane, add true Terps recover tane, pour slabs


Ah, that’s a good idea, I’d skip adding terps but I like the idea, may give it a try, I got some terps from connesuer concentrates out of OR and the strain ones taste mostly like pinesol the bubblegum and skittles taste decent though

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this was made from the same material…taste and smell is stronger on the darker one…I make yellow because that’s what ppl want I guess…I’ve made some super Terpy clear slabs so I guess it depends on how terpy the starting material is…that would determine what i do for best flavor and appearance…making clear is like ur making distillate…the more u filter the more flavorless odorless it gets


I’ve seen it in person. It’s wax and not melted isolate. I should have smoked it. I have a couple buddies in Oregon. I’m gunna have him procure some for me. For science.


Thanks for the info, that makes it more intriguing than melting isolate cuz it has flavor of it’s own does it taste clean? The adsorbants dont add any flavor or aftertaste?

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That answers all i need. sounds sort of inferior except color. piss yellow slabs are just too easy to make.

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It makes wine taste and look fire and it comes from a fruit just like cannabis…only.noticed it takes from flavor but never altered or added a weird taste…taste super clean btw


Kinda like making clear delta8 rather than yellow9 except in shatter it’s not d8…just taking Terps away


Which is essentially what the pigment is being held in is a terpene, carotenoid I think

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However if u remove the Terps from the material first u can reintroduce at the end


you got a SOP to do this properly and not make them taste like hay???

I can make one but I’m not selling rn

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Citric acid?

I’ve never tried degumming in butane

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I think I get it now



Thanks @Waxplug1 I think I have gathered enough information to try it now, aside from not wanting to waste $ on the required things to try at this point, but in the near future I may try