Very clear bho shatter (Definitely scammed) !Warning to all hash lovers and makers!

Only sugared on some gg#4 a couple times and that was due to moisture, I’m open to learning, I was just going for the lowest ppm numbers which starting at 85 then finishing at 92 has given extremely good results, im not so sure how accurate our testing lab is on the terpenes % because I’ve never seen anything over 2.5% and it was flower… but we have lowered temps because it seems product starts to decarb above 93f


I can push 5.8% on a trim/popcorn run…


That’s essentially all we run, trim from a trimminator mini which is super high quality for trim, and popcorn
Teach me your ways I’m down to learn
Is that purple punch from exotic??


@Dred_pirate. Do you always package in clear paper? You guys like that stuff??


Looks pretty dope… looks like it would stick

I use really cold (-75) Iso-butane. Makes great shatter and recovers really quick, with low temps.

After I do my pour off I set it into an oven that I have set at 100~, this oven is just meant for off gassing before I put into a vac oven. I will move over to an oven at 95 and pull a partial vac -10 and set oven to 90. Once the oven drops to 90, I will pull vac to bout 15-17 and drop to 87. When it gets to 87 I will lower to 85. At 85 I will pull full vac. I can do 5 110-20 gram slabs in one oven (AI 1.9) and not muffin high enough to touch the tray above it.

After that I usually will wait two days and first flip. Then flip once a day for three more @84-85.

I have four “shatter” ovens. Two 5 shelf are for the first two days. One oven is one day of slabs and stay for two days. Next oven is the next day of slabs for two days. Oven one I will vent off and flip them move over to oven three of four.

Ovens three and four are AI 1.9 ten shelf

I move to oven three using the top 4-5 shelves. Next day I flip, move oven two into oven three, then move the slabs down to the next 4-5 shelves, cascade down to oven four and take out after I get to the bottom shelves. Daily they have slabs coming out.

I use a 22 CFM dry scroll pump.

You can do one day flip after pour if you don’t have as many oven to occupy.


I rather u guys try and learn stuff along the way…I’m learning things too as I watch u guys trying to figure it out


If u guys are tired of trying why not just buy the sop? Haggard, OG, Erik extracts, me


It would give u a better understanding of the materials your working with and their nature if u try and fail than Just following an sop…anyways the reason I say that is because I noticed in ethanol it won’t work…only in butane…maybe it works another way in ethanol but I haven’t figured out the factor that makes butane work better…I wonder how propane would work?..


Thanks bro, I appreciate the openness and sharing, I currently only have one 1.9 AI oven so I can’t 100% follow that method yet but soon I’ll have another and then I’ll be able to, I’ll still try it though thanks for sharing…


Ok. I’ll bite. What do you want for the sop? I’m sure me, @Dred_pirate, and @Cryo13 could split the cost of this one. What’s it gonna cost?

I only do this for headatash but if I could help my homies level up…I’m in!


Not tired of trying, I haven’t even tried, I’m more of a figure it out then try type of guy, otherwise I stick to what I know, I’m not about paying for SOPs nothing against it but rather it’s not worth the $ for a basic idea which probably didnt originate with the person selling it. . If they only wanted a little $ I could consider it but aside from that its unfortunate people are not willing to share so that others can learn and expand their knowledge, they just keep it to themselves then try to charge an outrageous price because they are the only ones who know, for now…

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I’d be in for a split haha, haggard wont sell, and og never responded, so not that I haven’t tried to get a quote either that’s as far as it went…


I would definitely split it. I already asked what you would charge for a visit and all costs covered.

I also haven’t gotten the main ingredient (celite) to experiment with this myself.

And if I have to pay for it it’ll mostly be kept secret, as you are. If I “figure it out” I’ll be more lose.


And ya they package in the clear oil slick stuff. I do like it. Not much will stay stuck and terps won’t eat through.


I could see there being an NDA if it was bought also…


Everyone and there NDAs. That’s why it’s nice to be your own boss!


If I pay for it, I can do as I please. I’m not on an NDA. My bosses have provided me with zero training to make any of it “theirs”. But, if I paid for it, I’m not going to be dishing it out. And it’s just for personal satisfaction. I highly doubt I’ll be using it for daily production. Maybe for some terps in carts to keep color down


I can send you out 850ml (what I can spare in my Mason jar) of celite 545 to you if you like. I’m not sure how much you actually need.

Just pay shipping

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@Dred_pirate you need Celite? I got an extra some I can spare. Let me know homie. I’ll send you out some.