Veganic Cannabis...?

I take it as a compliment when you compare me to Donald Trump. I doubt you have the mental capacity to understand much beyond your political cult. But keeping with your theme, you are very much like Biden, a rip off artist that will fuck over anyone, if they can make a buck. And then when pointed out your “misdeeds” the best resort you can come up with is trying to deflect by not answering anything about it and trying to make stupid claims about the persons pointing fingers at you. You are the rut that spoils society. Everyone should beware of doing any business with anyone like you. There are many good knowledgeable people here that will not screw you over, you are definitely not one of them.

@Vanillagorilla You’re such a jack ass I answered everyone of your questions, and every time you took my answer and twisted it into something completely different. You are like arguing with a woman

I’m over it man… Ask the forum how business with me went… All but one transaction I’ve made through F4200 went like this… people contact me for the gun. I have them buy it to my specification… no markup. They pay me On the backend $2000 I provide presale/post sale support and teach them how to spray flower really well. $3000 + travel for on-site.

Honestly, I don’t know why you’re targeting me or my listing you’ve gone out of your way to misconstrue the entire thing… again what have you done for the industry? What have you achieved or contributed??

Also I voted for trump… I’m definitely not a democrat. But you’re still a Jack ass just like Donald Trump

Let people read for themselves and see what they think of you.

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It’s there clear as day… “I can do 30lbs an hour… I’m willing to pass on that knowledge as well”

@Vanillagorilla You’re a Dumbshit

You are charging $4,500 for $2,000 spray gun you are ripping off members of this forum. We all know about the “green tax” but this is ridiculous.

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Can you find it?

Curious about…

Might be something worth exploring… maybe not necessarily the way he’s doing it… but the concept is intriguing nonetheless.

It was first time I had met him and he said it in conversation. But every strain that was grown by his hand had that same unique undertone… I think I had six different strains… almost like a sweet dirty diaper

I bet you could find a COA or a couple COAs for kushman Veganic cannabis and compare the terpene profiles. Im sure it’s measurable. But he also puts a lot of love in to his garden. You can’t discount that being a factor. He’s super hands on.

smells like poop man

Thanks for the ever-so-useless information… empty words…

**Hell nahh vegan weed, im out im quitting🤣 from now on I wil make sure my plants are 100% not vegan.

Beef blood cookies

The headless haze chicken

Cow Milk’s revenge

Non-vegan cannabis (not suitable for vegans)**

I was trying italics :rofl:but F it im high


The “vegan marketing” aspect is laughable but a specialized compost blend that is vegan based might be something useful…

All jokes aside using raw materials that are in the process of decomposition might be useful under the right parameters.

I’m not done exploring this avenue yet… it shows signs of promise in certain aspects…

Not interested in the hyped up price points… more interested in the potential benefits for the plant itself, especially in outdoor grows.

I think its only usefull for people who want to be vegan.

I don’t think the plant cares, it wants dead stuff it boils down to what each thing decomposes into.

Ive seen people put some kind of canned fish in the ground cover it and put a plant on it🤣

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Potentially… you very well could be right that there is nothing to be had/said about it but i explore everything i come across before discarding it/writing it off.

Oh the plant most definitely cares what it’s growing in, 100%.

they’re more aware than you may think

I’ve seen people til a garden after burying loads and loads of freshly dead fish… but the problem with this is critters, you’ll have all sorts of forest creatures ripping your beds apart to get to the decomposing matter… that and the stentch is just wrong… but can confirm… plants… all plants… love the dead fish in their soil!

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Yeah I meant it more like, I dont think if it cares if the sulfur, nitrogen etc was vegan or not🤣 the plants just thinks: aight nutes lets goooo

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i went to an event with fake weed last weekend- do you teach people how to spray d10 and d8 on hemp or do you make disty blunts? Why do you spray disty if the flower was dank? Im learning not straight dissing.

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He use to come around right when that line dropped back on the east coast, was definitely aimed at people who knew very lil and were buying his stuff that line and the flower because of who he was and not much else. 15+years ago roughly so maybe something changed

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I teach people how to do both. Some businesses need an out of the box solution for spraying disty on blunts in volume. It’s far more efficient to spray 500 prerolls than to dip each one. Other businesses want to do their own infusions… and only hemp businesses spray flower. There’s no THC units or D9 being sprayed. It’s only minor cannabinoids (mostly D8) on Farm Bill compliant Hemp flower.

And the reason this is happening, which everyone seems to be missing… is that in states where THC products are not legal, these sprayed/infused products are legal. Not only that it’s sold in headshops, without special licensing and to anyone 21 and older… Easy access. So for somebody in a state where THC is illegal, sprayed flower provides an alternative to the black market that still gets you ripped.

You shouldn’t be spraying flower, period.

That’s the only lesson to be learnt.

@envee You guys are idiots with a one-dimensional understanding of cannabis. I’m done arguing with the wooks of Future4200.

I get all bent out of shape when I get a bunch o shit for knowing whats up and participating in both the THC and Hemp side of the business. But I have to stop and remind myself, that Im probably chatting with some overweight unshaven man wearing the same sweat pants and sweatshirt they slept in taking bong hits in his dark and filthy livingroom that probably stinks of dog and probably only bangs fat chicks… And then I feel a lot better

Except for you @Vanillagorilla you’ll always be the press tab king of the 90s!! Even if you still bang fat chicks

Bro I’m 6’1 and 1/2 190 lb clean shaven I wear clean clothes and I stopped banging fat chicks when I got tired of your wife and daughter.


@Vanillagorilla I didn’t lump you in with the wooks!! I gave you a personal shout out! Plus I always pictured you a little methy anyways. Sounds like I hit the nail on the head