Vape cartridge re-use

Here we go

Incorrect. Some other manufacturers use ceramic that is water soluble. Since we don’t know if the poster in question is in possession of those carts, we generalize with a bias towards safety.

This is the youtuber that literally shaked his cup at me on reddit for free shit. This low budget reclaim process is super dangerous, and he is using random carts and heat with the carts! Hes not even using a rotovap!

Lol this fucking guy @HowToWeed

What the actual fuck.


That’s why I said he was doing it for fun

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Good to see “This youtuber is NOT an expert”

Please don’t follow him in his video , I paste it not for demo how to recycle cartridges like him. And I already said I think he did it for fun.


Yea you’re not supposed to actually follow along with the video lmfao

If you want to salvage your extra oil from the carts for real follow this method:

Lol at that not an expert thing, is that automatic? Why isn’t it on my other video posts?


Youtube algo absolutely loves that video for some reason. The stupider or nastier the video the better it does on youtube to attract users to my actual content.

Heck my winterizing rosin video is huge too but I would never reccomend doing that either.


For when u just absolutely have to melt out the last bit of heavy metal laden oil for huffing :+1:

I do? How do shake my cup at reddit?

Should I make a centrifuge insert to get the last bit out? I was thinking about making one for lab testing after I saw it mentioned in a paper

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if you’ve got less than 1/2 gram in them, a standard 1.5ml eppendorf tube and an appropriate rotor/adapter should suffice.

Screen Shot 2022-01-11 at 8.54.29 AM

the 600ml and 1000ml swinging bucket rotors many are using often come with eppie adapters (mine did).

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You are the real YouTuber @HowToWeed ? No offense , just recall that I watched your video and paste your video when I read this topic

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Because your other videos weren’t dangerous. You do warn the viewers that improper ventilation is cause for a fire, but that entire process (solvent evaporation) calls for a purpose built system (rotovap)

If you were in dire need of your reclaim you would:

  1. Load your carts into a centrifuge with twin (or more) 15mm sites, with 15mm fep tubes with at least 12mm id
  2. Counterbalance the other side with water (NOT ANOTHER CART)
  3. Run your centrifuge

4a. Remove the tubes, take out the cartridges, and place the FEP in your alcohol (pentane would be better for this task tbh)
5a. Remove your solvent with a rotovap or spd

4b. Remove the tubes and take out the carts, place the tubes face down in your collection dish and place the collection dish in an oven (vacuum style is best)
5b. Collect the reclaim with a stainless spatula

Yes that’s me


Gotcha, was just curious how the warning appears. Definitely a useful tool for the mods.

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What do you mean by I shake my cup at reddit for free stuff though?

Sure I take sponsorships but they reach out to me, and not through reddit.

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Eh, i shouldn’t have been so mean, you reached out to one of my subsidiary companies for some samples, and we were happy to send them but then you wanted the company to also pay shipping as well ($64)

You probably don’t do that to everyone but by god everyone on reddit seems to do it to me, causing me me to leave the folks there to their own devices. I have yet to see any cart tech that has impressed me on youtube or reddit. In fact, most of the techniques that are discussed are downright dangerous or wasteful.

Ill give you an example: the r/cleancarts mod disturbedsporocrista uses his platform to discredit and write libel against his competitors. He’ll push very questionable products and practices (hops extracts and other botanical extracts in carts) on his webstore, rainyforestfarms because he has no links to the industry he purports to be an expert in. So he sells what he has, and discredits everyone else using his platform.

I saw that you don’t have financial gain out of your channel (edit: in 2019) so this isn’t malicious like in the case of disturbedsporocrista, but there are certain cart making practices that I refuse to support. Hobbiest filling is one of those. Mag stirrers have absolutely no place in cart filling, as do botanical terps or unfluorinated plastics.

@QBD420 is first and foremost a salesman. His job is to know just enough about carts to sell them. His industry experience is the logistics of bringing carts together. He’ll have some customers recommend channels like yours, and he’ll take them at face value because he is unable to actually work with cannabis. There is no problem with hobbiest fillers, but this is a industry forum, where people look for professional advice.

That professional advice, is to reuse your carts and reclaim without using any form of solvent if you are not equipped to remove solvent entirely. Water also has no place in this process.


Looks like you didn’t do enough research.

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He wasn’t monetizing the chanel when he asked me in 2019. Thats why I agreed to the samples. Unfortunately canadia is far as fuck and shipping costs 50-70 dollars for me (which was more than the cost of samples)

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At the time I was looking to do a video on the samples, so in my eyes I didn’t want to pay since I wasn’t charging you for the video. I imagine that’s what happened anyways as I did message a couple companies back when I started that were already offering samples

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