Hey, my girl has all these old carts from the dispensary. Can they be cleaned and restored to useful status or is this just trash? Does anyone want them? I didn’t dig so hard for a thread on subject, sorry fam.
Hey something I can answer!
Yes you can probably reuse those at least one more time.
Best way imo is to open them up and find something to hold them upside down while blasting them with a heat gun or hair dryer. Collect all the dripping distillate in a little dram jar and you’ll probably have enough to refill a few carts with a really unique tasting disty.
Some of those carts likely are clogged or would need cleaned to work well again. Unless you want to buy a cheap sonic cleaner and ethanol I wouldn’t bother with those. Just clean the leftover oil out of all of them and save the ones that still have good airflow and you know still work.
This made me cringe. Please tell me this isn’t a normal thing for people to do
If you mean with the intention of reclaiming… I mean im sure some people do. I meant as far as actually CLEANING a cart for re-use.
If you’ve got a small budget I dont see the harm in trying to get some extra uses out of a cart. New PACT laws are going to make it harder to get carts for individual sales and it reduces waste.
Back when ecigs were new and it took forever to get parts we used to take little shortcuts like this all the time to try to get as much life out of coils as we could.
If it gets harder to get carts, expect people to start figuring out how to rebuild them with new kanthal. We used to do that too.
That’s gnarly as fuck I wouldn’t wanna be vaping that residual etOH
you wash it in water after, thoroughly dry it with a fan and fire it several times to verify its still working and reading the right resistance. Usually mine sit for a month or two after in an open empty cup too. Then they’re heated again before filling…If there’s any trapped solvent in them after all that its negligible. Ive also looked with my led microscope and never seen rust or any serious carbon buildup on the atomizers.
Seriously I always reuse mine once. It just seems wasteful not to and brings my cart costs down significantly. If someone can chime in and explain why this would be dangerous im glad to concede to science.
Water probably belongs further away from these things than ethanol yo
Your vaping all kinds of nasty shit if your doing that. Water is the enemy
Carts cost like a dollar and a cheap rig from China might set u back $50 there’s no reason to do all that
Brings your $5 cart costs down significantly? Big savings of $2.50?
But wait!!! I just want the chance of heavy poisoning from vaping this shit longer than anyone ever needs too!! Who really knows what the carts are made of…
Sign me up
I’ve seen more than one Floridian think they’re beating the system by buying a syringe at a dispo and refilling their empty dispo bought carts at home.
Not this Floridian!
Borderline Florida man and everything
And how much are carts there?
We’re looking at $50+ for half gram carts here on the medical side.
Can usually get 1g syringes of something that can go in a ccell for $60.
If you’re not buying legit ccells in bulk you’re paying $5 a piece and you’ll likely need to shop around as a lot of places arent selling them anymore to individuals. My local headshop sells legit ones for $5 for the 1mls.
So actually by reusing the cart and buying the syringe to refill it, I’m about doubling what medicine I can get for my money as a medical patient. When the state is screwing you, sometimes you have to get creative…im sure most of you guys get that.
And unless there’s something that definitively proves those carts are fine for 1ml but “heavy poisoning” if you put 2ml through them im gonna have to call BS on that no offense.
Edit: I will say I’ll not be cleaning carts anymore. Didnt do it a whole lot but never thought there was a problem with it. Refilling them once though…yeah sorry I remain unconvinced there’s anything wrong with that.
Refilling for personal use is ok, adding solvent to the process definitely isn’t
Kinda funny how a single ccell is like 10x the cost of any d8 going in it
$5 here, cant seem to find them anywhere cheaper than that if you’re not buying in big quantities. No its not huge money by any stretch but I do go through quite a few carts each month and more than anything it just seems wasteful not to reuse them at least once.
Question about this…not arguing by any means but its pretty common for wax pen users to wipe out out their atomizers with solvent on a Qtip after every use. Is this also dangerous or is there a difference?
I dry fire my dtv4 after swabbing. I don’t even bother with alcohol on the SiC half the time
DO NOT USE ALCOHOL OR WATER TO CLEAN VAPES!!! This will degrade the ceramic and could lead to ceramic particle inhalation.
Thank you. I appreciate this…will take it to heart and will be sure to pass it along.
it depends on how long these carts are being explored in the air, which might influence the ceramic inside and lead to off-taste. You can reuse it 1 or 2 times, but just like the warning above, dont use water or alcohol to clean your vape.
I remember I watched a video on YouTube , they collect all used cartridges and get all residual distillate.the guy did it mainly for fun not for saving . But clean carts by purified water only, never clean a cart by alcohol.