Using wax to make thc syrup

That’s what my last honey batch was from ff the potency was overwhelming

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Live resin is definitely ideal.

It’s almost like that dude is creeping on our thread :joy:


Can’t beat the benefits those live terps give off compared to cured resins. As well as the fresh profile to add even more justice to the honey.

I’ll never give out my honey tek, but I’ll steer those that wanna make some fire in the right direction :call_me_hand:t3:


I’m looking to open source the tek. I threw a Trojan horse- esque question in there hahaha


Cane sugar and water. I think we all owe @Efficio an apology and we need to figure this out!

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Sugar water makes me think he’s using a dextrose to bind into the honey. After spray application then homogenize till nano dispersal is adequate. Under heat of course as the sugar would need to be evenly melted into the base

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The ingredients listed almost perfectly match a bottle of Monin syrup(at least for the pomegranate version of both). That’s what I tried before. If he’s got some unlisted ingredients I’d love to find out what they are

Lol, you’re good man, I’m always up for a healthy debate. New information keeps me growing. Even if I’m wrong or right, I value the perspectives of others as it offers new insights usually.


Feeling this batch of lean.

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I know some junkies in San Diego that could benefit from transitioning to canna lean. Sad :pensive:

Its a weird catch 22. At one point it seems like “weed lean” could benefit people, but also that it glorifies the harder alternative. I hope it benefits more people than it influences


I call BS until someone posts a pic of the same batch a week after it’s been mixed and stored at room temp.

Also that is not nano size cannabinoids lol so I’m going to take anyone who calls their honey/glycerine concoction “nano” with a grain of salt. I think the reason this looks like it’s working is once the two have been mixed, a few thousand milligrams of concentrate in a bunch of honey will not be visibly separated to the naked eye. If you tested various parts of a batch they would all come back with drastically different levels.



I’ve had mct/honey emulsions last for a couple weeks, glycerin seperated even faster.


Challenge accepted


Got a jar at my house that’s been sitting for over a year I got you give me about 30 minutes

My honey ends up like molasses too after, & never separates. & I can garuntee no matter where you pull from on the jar it’ll test the exact same. So my liver tells me as it multiplies into 11-hydroxy-Thc :man_shrugging:t3:

Both same jar different lights so you can see.

I have some material around too so I’ll make a fresh batch in a few days to prove the pudding. Plus I can most likely have it tested to prove coa within same week.

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The adabinol seems to be more sugar than water, probably emulsified in a sonicator or homogizer.

For whatever it’s worth no one lists the ingredients in their emulsion systems because they’re not required at the levels they’re used at. At most you might see them mention glycerine or polysorbate but no one is just handing out their tech like that on the label. Water and cyclodextrins are not going to get you anywhere on their own.

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Found this lying on the floor today…


Pooh Tek. That whole time we were kids, Pooh was really eating fistfuls of medicated honey.